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How to create a sacred code for another person and what it is for

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What are sacred codes? “They are a kind of prayer with numbers, which quickly connect us with beings of light and make our intentions come true more quickly”, says Diana Cerón Otoya, co-author with Carolina Rodríguez Amaya, of the “Manual of the Sacred Codes” , presented at the Cali Book Fair in 2018.

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They are a kind of divine mathematics, an emergency key, a gift from God, a quickly open the doors to communication with angels so that they manifest quickly.

Also called as Agesta codewas developed by Colombian clairvoyant and channel José Gabriel Uribe, known as José Gabriel Agesta.

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Those key numbers They must be repeated 45 times in a row, since 45 is the number of power and manifestation, and you can help yourself with an abacus or a necklace of 45 pearls so as not to lose count, the Elemento Store website says about it.

Sacred code for another person.  Sacred codes of Agesta.  Numerology./ Photo: Shutterstock.Sacred code for another person. Sacred codes of Agesta. Numerology./ Photo: Shutterstock.

The repetition is done with faith and with love so that the requested change is generated. You can do it aloud or mentally, as many times a day as you want, regardless of time or place, and for as long as necessary until you feel the result.

Sacred code for another person

The Elementos Store website clarifies that sacred codes can be written on behalf of other people, someone you want to help.

In this case you will perform the recitation ritual by previously saying “I apply this code to (name and surname of the other person)” and that person will receive the vibration and do with it what suits him.

Sacred codes for another person.  Candies.  Sacred codes of Agesta./ Photo: Shutterstock.Sacred codes for another person. Candies. Sacred codes of Agesta./ Photo: Shutterstock.

The authors of the Handbook of the Sacred Codes make it clear that if you are going to ask intention of anotherit can not be from the egobut respecting the free will on the other: for example “don’t ask the ex to come back, but to find peace”.

You can also ask about the physical and spiritual health of others, to unlock the bonds of past lives, envy and bad vibrations sent by others. The codes are clean.

Types of sacred codes

Carolina Rodríguez Amaya explains that Agesta numbers have powers that develop clairvoyance and intuition. “There are Sacred Codes for different topics, you tell us. And she gives us some examples:

Types of sacred codes.  Sacred codes of Agesta.  Numerology.  Photo: Shutterstock.Types of sacred codes. Sacred codes of Agesta. Numerology. Photo: Shutterstock.
  • To release fear, like CS 559.
  • To see the beauty within you and the environment, like the CS 100.
  • To find inner peace, like CS1.
  • Forgiving and Healing the Heart, CS 888.
  • To develop positive emotions, CS 578.
  • To control the mind, CS 39,” explains specialist Rodríguez Amaya.

In an interview conducted by the newspaper El País, The authors of the book say so José Gabriel Agesta does not speak to the media, which is why they assume his voice and they say it pray with numberswhich is a universal language, it is a quick and effective way of understanding so that beings of light can give us the energy we need to improve our lives.

The sacred codes are thousands of numbers, within which one must choose, according to the intention of the person reciting them, the part of the body or soul you want to heal and other variables.

Sacred Numbers are distributed free of charge and can be downloaded from many websites, such as

Some examples of sacred numbers

  • 541: strengthen love in the couple.
  • 877: increase self-love.
  • 858: to recover lost objects.
  • 1111: open up to new opportunities.
  • 2557: heal lovesickness.
  • 79: attract prosperity.
Manual of the Sacred Codes.  Book written by Diana Cerón Otoya and Carolina Rodríguez Amaya.Manual of the Sacred Codes. Book written by Diana Cerón Otoya and Carolina Rodríguez Amaya.

Source: Clarin

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