“Who has the biggest brain?” The viral response of two competitors which caused them to lose 275 thousand euros

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“Take a million”a very well-known question and answer television program in Spain is back in a big way: it aired last Saturday and had already made the rounds on the networks.

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The protagonists of the video are Laura AND Marthatwo young people who were about to win thousands of euros if it hadn’t been for the unusual answer they gave to one of the game’s relatively easy questions: “On average, who has the largest brain? Men, women or children?“.

What stands out in X is not so much that the girls were wrong, but rather the argument they used to dismiss one of the answers.

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Men don’t“, one of them stated firmly a few seconds before admitting that what she had said “was a joke”.

Analyzing it seriously, one of the contestants slipped that the correct answer should not be “men” because in prehistory men were addicted to “hunting“and women to”reap the fruits” and that’s why they differentiated more colors and had more developed brains.

Then doubts followed. “Men have bigger skulls, don’t they?” asked one, to which the other jokingly replied, “I have a fatter head than my father…”.

It matters that in the end they divided their 275,000 euros between “children” and “women” and all the money slipped away like water from their hands. The correct answer was “men”.

Laura and Marta divide their money between "women" and "children".Laura and Marta divide their money between “women” and “children”.

The program returned to Spanish TV thanks to Juanra Bonet, with new participants and questions. Before Laura and Marta, Álex and Juanmi competed, winning 550,000 euros.

Laura and Marta had advanced through the different stages of the program thanks to the help of their friend Mercedes, who had given them an amulet in the shape of her photograph.

What they said on the networks

In the comments of the viral video shared by @elriviogeralt and then by @RevenRV there was absolutely everything. The clip accumulates more than 2.5 million views in X and has exceeded a thousand comments.

Most users made fun of the deduction made by the girls, just as there were those who took the opportunity to leave a sexist message.

“Children, hahaha, when they are literally in the developmental stage and according to pxxx logic they will have smaller brains”; “It can’t be true, I refuse, the most sexist person made them laugh”; and “This clip is a perfect example of why men have bigger brains” are some of the questionable phrases that have appeared.

Source: Clarin

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