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What is the wild fruit that delays skin aging and improves oral health?

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Wild, with a unique color and an exquisite sweet and sour flavor, blackberries have a lot to offer your health.

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As the Spanish Nutrition Foundation states, this member of the so-called berries is delicious fundamental nutrients.

  • Provides a large percentage of proteins.
  • It has a large amount of fiber.
  • Contains vitamins C and E which provide an antioxidant effect and strengthen the immune system.
Blackberries contain vitamin C and E Shutterstock photo.Blackberries contain vitamin C and E Shutterstock photo.
  • Its purple color adds a flavonoid called anthocyanin which offers anti-inflammatory properties.

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What are its effects

There are several theories that indicate that they can be useful in the following situations.

  • Infections.
  • Gastrointestinal disorders.
Blackberries can be consumed in several ways Shutterstock photo.Blackberries can be consumed in several ways Shutterstock photo.
  • Diabetes.
  • Overweight.
  • Depression.
  • Cardiovascular disorders.
  • Prevent respiratory conditions such as asthma or illnesses such as the flu or cold.

Furthermore, the Spanish Nutrition Foundation believes that its phytochemicals have an aphrodisiac action that improves sexual desire.

For its antioxidants, vitamin C and Eincreases the generation of collagen and allows for more nourished skin.

According to a study cited by the Saber Health website, it has some capabilities antibacterial and anti-inflammatory which can protect gums and teeth. To do this, research available at the US National Library of Medicine recommends applying to blue raspberry in the mouth for an hour and thus reduce the metabolic activity of the bacteria.

How to consume blackberries

The Better with Health website recommends consuming them preferably raw and fresh. However, they can also be incorporated into juices and smoothies, yogurt, cereal mixes, salads or jellies that do not contain sugar or preservatives.

But you should always keep in mind that they should be ingested in moderation due to their effects diuretics and purifiers they can be harmful. It can also affect the absorption of carbohydrates and cause hypoglycemia.

It should also be made clear that these recommendations are not a substitute for medical treatment or professional advice.

Source: Clarin

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