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Mhoni Vidente: How to Perform the Powerful April 1st Ritual to Attract Money and Stability

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When very little remains until the month of April 2024Mhoni Vidente leaves us a ritual so that during those days all the good comes to us.

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As indicated by the famous astrologer and tarot reader from her YouTube channel (Mhoni Vidente official channel), in this ritual we can ask abundance, money and progress.

Mhoni Vidente explains it April will be a very good month For changes in work, projects and money.

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It is this, let us clarify, that the April 1st falls on a Monday and when that happens, anticipate that it will be a month of abundance, of reinventing ourselves, of changing strategies and of paying what we owe.

And to stimulate all this, explains the renowned fortune teller this ritual step by step which we describe below.

Mhoni Vidente ritual of 1 April 2024 for abundance: what is needed

  • Veladora (candle), candle or white candle to stimulate peace, tranquility and progress
  • 1 glass cup
  • 1 full glass of water
  • Incense (or incense)
  • 1 red (or red) egg
  • aluminium sheet
  • 3 Banknotes of the highest existing denomination
  • Neutral soap
  • Tequila, rum or mezcal
  • Double Quick Luck Perfume
  • Macua bird perfume
  • Perfume that we use regularly
  • Cinnamon powder
According to Mhoni Vidente, April will be a very good month. According to Mhoni Vidente, April will be a very good month.

How to perform the Mhoni Vidente ritual on April 1, 2024

He April 1st we we take a bath with andL neutral soap (we do not use shampoo, rinse creams or any other product). That soap will no longer be used and we will throw it away once the ritual is finished.

At the end of the bath we dry ourselves and, wearing underwear or clothes, we clean ourselves with the egg to whoever first we perfume with the three fragrances.

We rub the egg three times throughout our body as we pray an Our Father, a Hail Mary and ask for all negative energies to leave our lives.

Hence, the egg it will capture all the negative that we carry and will help us cut out everything that stops us from moving forward and growing. At the end of the ritual we wrap it in aluminum foil and let’s throw it away From home.

Then, we sprinkle the three banknotes with the three fragrances and we also pass them all over the body praying an Our Father, a Hail Mary and asking that all abundance come to us, as well as money and prosperity, and that we can pay all our debts.

In this way, we think of ourselves as if we were receiving that money. We position the three banknotes in water.

We fill half the glass cup tequila, rum or mezcal.

Let’s put the candle (candle, cone or candle) On a plate covered with aluminum foil, we sprinkle it with cinnamon and spray it with the three perfumes.

With wooden matches (or matches), we light the incense (incense) and, concentrated, the candle. Let’s pray an Our Father and a Hail Mary.

At the moment we ask May the energies of the month of April reach us; the same as stability in work, harmony, progress, money and abundance; and positive changes may occur this month. We also ask that April begins and ends with all blessings.

If the the candle flame is low, we must pray to him more so that he gains strength and can get rid of all the negative; rushed loud and clearit means the ritual will work immediately.

At the beginning of the ritual we must bathe ourselves with neutral soap. At the beginning of the ritual we must bathe ourselves with neutral soap.

Once the candle goes out, we throw away from home the egg, the soap and the tequila (rum or mezcal).

Let’s dry the Tickets and the we use pay for food or utilities (electricity, water, etc.) for our home so that the money multiplies.

Source: Clarin

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