Certain fact ocular pathologies You need to go to the ophthalmologist. Many cases, such as myopia, cataracts or astigmatism, have a surgical solution.
Others, such as presbyopia, are typically addressed with lenses that offer customized prescriptions for near vision and reading. This indicates that some part of the eye (cornea, lens or retina) has become deformed and requires correction.
But visual fatiguewhich results from working long hours in front of a screen, or from excessive use of the cell phone or from many hours of reading, You can calm down by practicing a series of exercises recommended by the ophthalmologists themselves.. And this is because the eye is healthy, even if tired.
There is also Foods that help preserve the strength of the eye muscles and, therefore, prevent some of the pathologies described. A diet rich in vitamin A contains nutrients that help slow the cellular aging of the eye, indicates the Eye Portal Mayo Clinic from the United States.
Exercises to preserve your sight

If you like delay or prevent the progression of any eye conditionor simply “relax” your eyes, the Spanish blog Ophthalmologists suggests a series of ten simple exercises to avoid dry, itchy or red eyes.
1) Flashes. Every 3 or 4 minutes that involuntary movement that we call blinking occurs. Its function is to lubricate the eye and expel harmful agents present in the environment. If we are staring at a book or a screen, our eyes get dry. That is why it is recommended to voluntarily blink five times in a row, closing your eyes each time for 3 seconds. Or you can move your eyes in a circular motion while blinking and breathing through your nose.
2) Rest your eyes. Once every hour, stop working or reading for 5 to 10 minutes. During this time, do any other activity that forces you to look away. Look at the sky, the ceiling or the environment. You can also close your eyes and place your palms on a flat surface.
3) Gentle pressure on the eyes. If you lightly touch your closed eyes with your fingertips, you activate the natural production of tears that moisturize the eye.

4) Eye movement. To exercise the optic nerve, turn your eye left and right three or four times and then make three or four circular motions. This way you will give it a different strengthening function, since we generally look straight ahead.
5) Massages. With your eyes closed, press the pads of your thumb on the eye socket, the bone under the eyebrow, starting from the nose towards the eyebrow, in circular motions.
6) Accommodation and concentration. Place the index finger of your right hand at eye level and elbow distance away. Place the index finger of your left hand 15 centimeters behind your right index finger. Look alternately from one to the other for a minute.
7) Open and close your eyes. Put your head straight and relax your eyelids. Open and close your eyes 20 times to relax your facial muscles and hydrate your eyes.
8) Look at the horizon. Sit with your back straight and try to look as far away as possible to relax the optic nerve.

9) Turn your head. While looking at the sun with your eyes closed, turn your head in a circular motion from right to left for 3 minutes. This exercise helps relax your eyes when they are tired. When finished, wet your face with cold water.
10) If you have astigmatism. Read a paragraph in small print and then look at an object closely. Do this until your eyes get tired to release the pressure caused by astigmatism.
Source: Clarin

Mary Ortiz is a seasoned journalist with a passion for world events. As a writer for News Rebeat, she brings a fresh perspective to the latest global happenings and provides in-depth coverage that offers a deeper understanding of the world around us.