What are the most incompatible signs according to astrology?

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Without a doubt, one of the first things we ask when we meet a (possible) couple it’s yours zodiac sign.

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Yes, astrology has always helped us understand human relationships, especially when it comes to connections compatibility between the signs.

In this sense, although some links flow effortlessly from the start, others live conflicts and tensions constants.

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While we are generally concerned with finding out how good our sign is harmonizes with that of the person we are meeting, it is also very nice to get to know each other with which signs are we incompatible.

And to know the details “conflictual” relationships.the site Astrotalk explains what the signs are incompatible of the zodiac

When relating, it is very important to know which signs are the most incompatible. Photo: ShutterstockWhen relating, it is very important to know which signs are the most incompatible. Photo: Shutterstock

What are the most incompatible signs of the zodiac

Aries and Cancer

From opposing and contrasting natures, These two signs are incompatible. It is the fiery, impulsive energy of Ariesin his constant search for excitement, he completely clashes with the security and stability he seeks Cancer.

Yes, Aries, a Fire sign, advances with trust and independence, while Cancer, a Water sign, desires emotional connection and intimacystand out from the specialized site.

In general, the conflicts and the misunderstandings between them they are born completely different approaches and priorities. Aries’ tantrums cloud Cancer’s concentration and cause anxiety that becomes unmanageable.

And as if that wasn’t enough, Aries is sociable and Cancer prefers, without a doubt, tranquility of home.

But while it’s not impossible for them to find common ground, they will have to come to an agreement dedication, understanding and will accept their differences.

Aquarius and Taurus

Air and Earth: the elements that characterize the signs of Acquarium and of Bull. According to astrology, they are considered the most incompatible of the zodiac

What their personalities are like contrastingThey tend to have frequent fights. It happens that Aquarius is independent and unpredictable, and, on the contrary, Taurus prefers routine, stability and practicality.

In the relationsaddition Astrotalklook for Taurus safety and consistencythey intend that their ties can provide them with a stable and solid foundation with loyalty and commitment; However, Aquarius values freedom and independence above all.

Between these two signs, the communication becomes a great challenge. On the one hand, Aquarius prioritizes intellectual stimulation and innovation; On the other hand, Taurus seeks emotional connection and tranquility.

How can aloof Aquarians coexist with possessive Taureans? The key to compatibility between these signs is to find a balance between stability and freedom.

Gemini and Virgo

Astrologically, these signs they collide in more ways than one. Both governed by Mercurythey have such contrasting personalities and characteristics that they often lead to misunderstandings and conflicts.

Twinsan Air sign, is characterized by spontaneity and a permanent need for intellectual stimulation. On the front side, Virginan Earth sign, values ​​practicality and attention to detail, is meticulous, organized and structured.

Naturally, this incompatibility will affect the file communication among them: Gemini’s fast-paced conversation can overwhelm Virgo, who prefers to process information at a slower pace, site details.

THE carefree and spontaneous nature Gemini can clash with the tendency to be Virgo critical and perfectionist.

Despite this, with a open communication, I commit and willingness to do so understand their differencesthese signs will be able to find common ground and create a harmonious connection.

There are signs that, due to their characteristics, do not achieve a harmonious connection. Photo: UnsplashThere are signs that, due to their characteristics, do not achieve a harmonious connection. Photo: Unsplash

Scorpio and Leo

As indicated Astrotalk, Scorpio AND Lion I’m the more incompatible of the zodiac

It happens that Leo, the sign of Fire, bold and charismaticcontrasts sharply with Scorpio, a Water sign characterized by intensity and the secrecy.

Thus, the lions, with their natural need attention and admirationthey often clash with the desire to privacy and independence of Scorpions.

As for the communicationLeo tends to be direct and expressive, while Scorpio prefers a more reserved and introspective approach.

Scorpio’s secretive nature and tendency to be spiteful can fuel Leo’s need for constant validation, leading to power struggles and emotional conflicts.

In the link, the intense and possessive character of Scorpio can overwhelm the desire for freedom and independence by Leone, provocative resentment and frustration.

Libra and Capricorn

Their opposite and contrasting personalities make the bond complex: Pound look for the balance and the harmony; Capricorn longs for the stability and the success.

With different priorities: -Libra values ​​aesthetics and social interaction; Capricorn, practicality and professional advancement – a substantial barrier in your relationship.

Libra, being an Air sign, thrives intellectual stimulation and look for the constant change and Capricorn, an Earth sign, continues to thrive routine and this family. This fundamental difference in their elemental qualities results in a struggle to find common points and compromises.

These particularities of each sign influence the decision-making process and can generate frustrations and prevent smooth and effective communication. Additionally, Libra’s need for constant companionship can overwhelm the more reserved Capricorn, resulting in feelings of discontent suffocation and detachment.

The different energies managed by these signs make their relationship difficult. Photo: ShutterstockThe different energies managed by these signs make their relationship difficult. Photo: Shutterstock

In conclusion, the Libra and Capricorn relationship faces significant challenges due to their contrasting values, different decision-making styles, and lifestyles. all this hinders its ability to form a harmonious bond.

Source: Clarin

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