RFI launch of Lula’s campaign in Paris receives support from the French left 07/05/2022 12h29

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The Workers Party (PT) core in Paris held the launch of Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva’s Brazilian presidential nomination this Saturday morning (7). Representatives of French left parties were present to show their support for the former president, who is seeking a third term after 12 years in office.

The launch in Paris came just hours before the official event held at the Expo Center Norte in São Paulo to present the roster created by presidential and vice presidential candidates Lula and Geraldo Alckmin (PSB).

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(6) According to the Ipespe (Institute for Social, Political and Economic Research Institute, Recife) survey released Friday, former President Lula has 44% of his intention to vote in the Planalto Palace race. The current president, Jair Bolsonaro (PL), who is seeking reelection, has 31% of the vote. The first round of elections will be held on 2 October.

For Senator Laurence Cohen of the French Communist Party (PCF), chairman of the Franco-Brazilian Friendship group in the French Senate, it is important to show that Lula has the support of the French and European progressive forces: his Amazon trip and Bolsonaro’s policy are fraught with human rights and environmental abuses. Once again, I could see the damage it did. That’s why it’s absolutely important that Lula wins this election.”

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The senator also advocates the presence of international observers in the Brazilian elections “to prevent Bolsonaro from dealing a blow to democracy”. “Lula has already shown, along with Dilma Rousseff, that she can have real social policy by lifting millions of Brazilians out of poverty. She has a different understanding of human relations and also of relations with Europe. For all these reasons, it seems important. I will be here to support your candidacy in Brazil. ‘, Cohen concluded: RFI.

Christian Rodríguez, by Jean-Luc Mélenchon, International Relations coordinator of the A França Insubmissa party and French National Assembly for the New Popular, Ecological and Social Unity (Nupes, officially a group) candidate for parliament for Latin America and the Caribbean Launched this Saturday and in France Founded by the French left parties for the June elections), he said today is a historic day: “Despite all the persecution of Lula, everything she’s endured, the prison, the humiliation, Lula has emerged victorious and I think it will be in her favor to have her become president again. ” said.

“Lula represents great hope”

“I am here to bring the support of Jean-Luc Mélenchon and the progressive, political and social forces in France, where Lula represents great hope. Lula is not just from Brazil, he belongs to the world. Brazil is a power and we want to be progressive. I want it. Bolsonaro must be eliminated, fascism cannot continue in this country,” added Rodriguez.

Anne Joubert, of the management of the ecological party Génération.s, said her party supported “Brazilian comrades” in launching Lula’s preliminary campaign because “Bolsonaro’s scandalous policy must be brought to an end with economic crises.” The destruction of Brazil is disrespectful to human rights, the environment and indigenous peoples”.

Esdras Ribeiro, coordinator of the PT’s core in Paris, emphasizes that Lula and the PT have great support in the French capital. “Our friends and partners here were with us in our fight against Dilma’s dismissal and Lula’s arrest, and we couldn’t pass this historic day without a demonstration. For us, it’s a moment of compassion, compassion for the Brazilian people. Brazilians and Franco-Brazilians are more comfortable here, but I think starvation and I think it’s important to talk about the difficulties experienced by the Brazilian people,” he said, thanking the support of the French left political parties.

Representatives of the Brazilian student movements in France, the French Independent Workers’ Party (POI) and other social movements were also present.

In Brazil, in addition to the PT and PSB leaders, the ceremony was attended by parties that declared official support for the ticket: PCdoB, Solidariedade, PSOL, PV and Rede. Trade unions, social movements and party militancy also participated.

source: Noticias

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