Home World News Russia v Ukraine: Russian tension with G7 and Finland marks 80th day of war

Russia v Ukraine: Russian tension with G7 and Finland marks 80th day of war

Russia v Ukraine: Russian tension with G7 and Finland marks 80th day of war

Tension over the discovery of new borders between Russia and the G7 marked the 80th day of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. The group, which brings together the world’s seven largest economies, said it would “never recognize” the regions the Russian government is trying to annex.

Dmitry Medvedev, former Russian president and deputy head of the security council, disagreed with the statements and said Russia was not interested in whether the G7 recognized the new borders. “The real will of the people living there is important,” Medvedev told the official Telegram channel.

The G7, for its part, said it would uphold its “commitment to support the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine, including Crimea.” The group’s statement comes at a time when fighting has intensified in the Donbass region of Ukraine, which has been partially controlled by pro-Moscow separatists since 2014, and where Russia has been intensifying the offensive for several weeks, but has made no significant progress.

The fight for Izium

Despite Russian attempts in the region, Ukrainian forces launched a counteroffensive near the city. isium, controlled by Russia. keep up the pressure isium and Russia’s supply lines will make it harder for Moscow to encircle Ukrainian troops also east Donbass.

The strategy of the Vladimir Putin-led government changed last month after the Russian military failed to capture the Ukrainian capital.

During Saturday (14), Russian bombings were reported in more than 50 homes in the separatist Lugansk region, according to Ukrainian officials.

Map Russia invades Ukraine - 26.02.2022 - Arte UOL - Arte UOL

Image: UOL Art

power outage in Finland

Russia suspended electricity exports to Finland in the early hours of Saturday. The company responsible for the operation announced on Friday the 13th that the supply would be suspended due to non-payment.

The statement came in response to Finland’s moves to approach NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization). Putin even called Finland’s desire to join the bloc a “mistake”.

The country’s electricity grid works thanks to imports from Sweden, according to AFP. Finnish operator Fingrid said on Friday it could do without Russian electricity. Finland imports 10% of the electricity it needs from Russia.

*With information from Reuters and AFP

source: Noticias


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