Home World News Lunar eclipse and Blood Moon of May 2022: what time it is and where it can be seen in Argentina

Lunar eclipse and Blood Moon of May 2022: what time it is and where it can be seen in Argentina

Lunar eclipse and Blood Moon of May 2022: what time it is and where it can be seen in Argentina

This Sunday, May 15 in the evening and in the early hours of Monday 16, we will be privileged witnesses of first lunar eclipse of the yearand its second 2022 eclipse season, which began with the solar eclipse we experienced on April 30th.

In this case, it will be a total lunar eclipse South America -and most of all Argentina– will be one of the regions of the world where you can enjoy it.

Fortunately, this kind of astronomical phenomenon is possible visible to the eyewithout the need for glass or special equipment, and without any risk.

The first lunar eclipse of the year will occur between the evening of May 15 and the dawn of May 16. Photo: EFE

The first lunar eclipse of the year will occur between the evening of May 15 and the dawn of May 16. Photo: EFE

Lunar eclipse: why there is a lunar eclipse

An total lunar eclipse This occurs when the Earth is placed between the Moon and the Sun. In this way, the planet blocks solar rays reaching the Moon, causing a kind of shadow cone to darken it.

This type of total lunar eclipse occurs only in the phase of Full moon and, as we detail, it is formed when the Earth is located in its center and the Sun. In this way, our natural satellite enters the threshold zone and goes completely dark.

Thus, a shadow cone is formed giving the Moon a the tone is reddish while it is in full stage: this is known as “Blood Moon”.

Lunar eclipse: where and what time it can be seen in Argentina

In Argentina (as in Uruguay), the lunar eclipse It will be visible throughout the territory, as weather permits, and will last 5 hours and 18 minutes, it was reported timely.

Dusk will begin at 10:32 pm local time on Sunday, May 15. At this early stage, you will only see a change in brightness because the lunar disk will be dimmer.

If the weather is good, a lunar eclipse can be seen all over Argentina.  Photo: Shutterstock description

If the weather is good, a lunar eclipse can be seen all over Argentina. Photo: Shutterstock description

At 23:27 the partial eclipse will begin and our satellite will gradually darken as it turns red. At 0:29 on May 16 the total eclipse will begin and the Moon will be visible Red color.

The maximum magnitude is at 1:11, while the end of the eclipse will be recorded at around 3:50.

Lunar eclipse: where else in the world can it be seen

Unlike solar eclipses, which are only visible from a relatively small part of the Earth, a lunar eclipse it can be seen from anywhere on Earth at night.

East lunar eclipsein particular, can be seen in a wide region covering all of South and Central America, large parts of North America, southern/western Europe, south/western Asia, Africa, the Pacific, Atlantic and Indian oceans and Antarctica, detailing the special area.

This lunar eclipse can be seen in vast regions of the world.  Photo: Meteored

This lunar eclipse can be seen in vast regions of the world. Photo: Meteored

Why not have a lunar eclipse every month?

A frequently asked question fans of the stars are why no lunar eclipse every month because the Moon is constantly and permanently rotating around the Earth.

While it is true that our natural satellite orbits the Earth every month, not always in the shadow of the earthexplanation by NASA.

The lunar path around the Earth is tilted compared to the orbit of our planet around the Sun. The moon may be behind the Earth and, even then, receive sunlight, the Agency suggests.

Source: Clarin


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