Jeanne Calment of France celebrated his 121st birthday. She was the longest-lived person known. She died in 1997 at the age of 122.
Human age limits have been widely debated throughout history, and it is even said that there is no age limit in the theoretical framework. Currently, the oldest confirmed person in the world is the Japanese. Kane Tanaka, In 118 years. But new scientific research shows a concrete margin.
New work published in the journal last November Royal Society Open ScienceEnter into discussion with analysis of new data from Supercentenarian (110+) and Semi-Supercentenarian (105+).
The risk of death generally increases with age, but researchers’ analysis shows that the risk eventually peaks out. 50-50 chances to live or die.

Lucile Randon, known as Sister Andrée, is a French nun and supercentenarian. After Kane Tanaka died on April 19, 2022 at the age of 119, he became the oldest creature in the world.
“”From 110You can think of living for another year like throwing a coin. ” Anthony DavisonProfessor of Statistics Swiss Federal Institute of Technology In Lausanne, who led the research.
“If you have a head, you will have your next birthday. If not, you will have your next birthday. You will die someday next yearDavison told AFP.
Based on the available collected data, Humans can reach the age of 130.

Kane Tanaka was registered in the Guinness Book of Records for her 116th birthday in 2019. He reached the age of 119 and was the oldest person in the world until his death on April 19, 2022. Photo: AP
In fact, extrapolating these results, There is no limit to life expectancy. “ He ends the investigation because throwing a coin can always come to mind.
Their research is based on a recently published database. International longevity database It targets more than 1,100 supercentenarians from 13 countries and another supercentenarian from Italy that contains information about all people in countries over 105 years old from 2009 to 2015.
“If there is a limit of less than 130 years We could have detected it With the data currently available. “

Chitetsu Watanabe (112 years old), a Japanese, was certified as the oldest in the world by the Guinness World Records in February 2020. Photo: EFE
But, in theory, you can live for more than 130 years, It does not mean that humans will get it right away.
In the first place, it is an analysis based on people who have achieved over 100 years of great achievements. Even with 110, the possibility of reaching 130 is ” 1 in 1 million (…) Not impossible, but very unlikely. “
In any case, this study will be done by the end of this century. Some humans will have reached that age.

Brazil’s Maria Gomez dos Wraith may be the oldest person in the world at the age of 121, but her data is still under investigation.
So far, the French have lived the longest Jeanne Calment, Died in 1997 at the age of 122. Today, according to official Guinness World Records, Lucile Randon, also a French nun, is the oldest person in the world at the age of 119.But the anger of the Brazilians Maria Gomez dos Wraith According to the country’s authorities, she was 121 and on June 16th she was 122, so she seems to have defeated the World Commission on which of the two is older.
Source: Clarin