Shock for the death of a 21-year-old TV star during cosmetic surgery.Photo: Web
There is a price to beauty. And in many cases it is very expensive. This is one such case: Indian TV star, Chethana Raj, He died After undergoing fat removal surgery. At a private plastic surgery hospital.
This Monday, May 16th, with the intention of undergoing liposuction, 21 year old actress I entered the operating room of a private hospital in Bangalore, Karnataka.
what happened?
According to known reports, the actress would have suffered from complications if: Water started to accumulate in the lungs..
A little later, after being transferred to the hospital Died of cardiac arrestreport mirror..
At that place, the doctor They tried to revive her By 45 minutes of CPR, but they failed.
And there is the fact that it adds more drama to this case.That is Chetana Did not talk to his parents about surgery Instead, she visited the beauty center only with some friends.

Cetana decides to undergo cosmetic surgery without the permission of her parents.Photo: Web
After hearing this deadly news, now his family claims Surgeon’s fault They emphasized the media, asserting that they performed the operation without the proper equipment.
Cetana’s father, Govinda Large, said TheTribune Her daughter was admitted to the hospital at 8:30 on Monday morning Without your knowledge..
By the time they discovered, the surgery had already begun, the publication said. After that, the actress’s lungs were filled with liquid and she had difficulty breathing.
Disappointed, father kept it “There weren’t enough facilities in the intensive care unit.” Therefore, she had to be transferred to Cardigan Hospital.
In addition, he asked for permission for a young woman to undergo fat removal surgery, but he did not give it to her, and I had surgery without his knowledge.
“My daughter Clinic negligence.. Her doctors operated on her without the consent of her parents and without her proper equipment. ” TheTribune..
And he said: “My daughter was healthy and healthy. She was absolutely fine. She went to the hospital with her friends. She underwent surgery without consulting her family, suggesting that someone had a lot of fat around her waist.When. I will file a proceeding against the hospital authorities. ”
On his side, the young woman’s uncle also defended him: “Someone told him that. I was fat so I lost weight.. So he went to Shetty’s Hospital to get rid of his excess fat. “

“Someone told her to lose weight because she looked fat,” her father said.Photo: Web
“The hospital was not equipped with an ICU and surgery was performed. After the surgery, water accumulated in his lungs. She was later transferred to another nearby hospital where she was declared” dead. ” Was done. ”
Who was Chethana Raj?
Chethana Raj was born 21 years ago in Bangalore, Karnataka.In that city she shows that she completed her education and began her career as an actress at a very young age. To real news..
She is as beautiful as she is talented, Chetana joined Popular series Indian TV Geetha, Doresaani Y Orabina Nirdana..He also played an important role in the movie Habayaami..
As soon as the news of his death was known, the social network was full. Message of condolences.. His fans and followers lamented his early disappearance and at the same time questioned the demands for beauty imposed.
Source: Clarin