Home World News For his prime minister, what he thought was a simple headache changed his life forever.

For his prime minister, what he thought was a simple headache changed his life forever.

For his prime minister, what he thought was a simple headache changed his life forever.

For his prime minister, what he thought was a simple headache changed his life forever.

He thought it was just a headache, but the truth annihilated him.

That year was 1985, and Clive Wearing was 48 years old.Musician, wearing He was at the peak of his career as a performer and conductor But literally it’s all forgotten by him.

It all started as a common headache. Wearing English, like the majority of us, didn’t place much importance on it. But as the days went by Things got worse as well as not improved.

He finally started a thorough tour of doctors and specialists to discover what was wrong with him: Was infected with herpes simplex virusThis rarely crosses the blood-brain barrier (the kind of protection our brain has), as in your case, encephalitis

Clive and his wife Deborah wrote a book about her husband's case.

Clive and his wife Deborah wrote a book about her husband’s case.

The result was devastating. Worn left in the worst case of memorable memory loss. That memory is “reset” every 7 to 30 seconds. Absolutely forget everything.

People have lived for almost 40 years In the clouds of repeated oblivion.In the best style memento, But Hollywood doesn’t have that appeal.

The virus that should have killed him

Wearing cases are extremely rare. The virus that affected him is usually the virus that causes cold sores.Rarely The virus travels to the brain, where it swells Therefore, it is crushed by the skull.

It is one of the rarest forms of encephalitis and is also One of the most deadly..

Doctors They only gave Clive a 20 percent chance of survivalBut he went against all the possibilities and managed to survive thanks to a series of prescribed medications.

However, the damage was terrible. Clive has changed completely, as his wife Deborah states in her book Forever Today-Memoirs of Love and Memory Loss. “She started crying, and I cried constantly for a month Before you start embracing your new reality.

Deborah hasn't abandoned him.

Deborah hasn’t abandoned him.

“His ability to perceive what he saw and heard was unaffected. It seems I couldn’t keep an impression of something In a blink of an eye, “Deborah wrote.

Incredible music is still there

Clive’s memory loss affected his ability to remember facts and events (Retrograde amnesia), Can evoke some events and people from his past. He admitted only his wife.

But, surprisingly, beyond the ability to create new memories and not remembering part of his life, His memory and musical abilities were barely compromised.

He was able to play the piano, read music, and conduct an orchestra. I couldn’t remember when and where I learned it or remember new scores as easily as before.

Clive, now 84, has little memory of his pre-1985 life, but his procedural memory remains. He remembers how to shave and take a shower and his muscle memory unaffected by severe amnesia. You can play the instrument beautifully..

The tragic story of Clive Wearing was the subject of the 1986 documentary “Prisoner of Consciousness” and his wife’s book “Eternal Today.”

Where did you put the key?

Source: Clarin


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