Home World News Who does Bolsonaro still think he is fooling with his offensive attacks on the STF?

Who does Bolsonaro still think he is fooling with his offensive attacks on the STF?

Who does Bolsonaro still think he is fooling with his offensive attacks on the STF?

Could it not be that the president’s trusted legal advisers, prosecutor Augusto Aras, and ministers Nunes Marques and André Mendonça, warned Alexandre de Moraes of the STF about the absurdity of the proceedings against the very investigative minister? The crimes of a so-called criminal organization made up of the captain and his generals at the top of the government?

Who does Bolsonaro think he is still deceiving with his desperate gestures in this escalation of hallucinatory speeches and attitudes over the past few weeks, for fear of losing the elections and the immunity the position has given him?

Even the lawns and bushes in Alvorada’s playground already know that their sole purpose is to create more confusion and distrust, to disrupt the ongoing electoral process, as Moraes’ investigations set to the Federal Police.

Not surprisingly, rapporteur minister Dias Toffoli this Wednesday summarily dismissed the criminal reports Bolsonaro had presented for alleged abuse of power.

Toffoli, “The Democratic State of Law imposes duties and obligations on everyone, and the attempt to reverse roles is not shown to be inconsistent with the aforementioned statement, making the judge the defendant for a simple fact of being a judge”, reasoned Toffoli, closing the issue, failing to find a “just cause” to continue the request.

In fact, Bolsonaro was caught red-handed, running away and saying “catch a thief!” He’s acting like a pickpocket shouting. The judge now wants to try the judge.

According to Toffoli, “it is unacceptable that news of crime is used as a substitute for appeal or as a way to revive issues that have already been adjudicated and settled by this Supreme Court”.

All this is part of a great theater of the absurd, which was then set up to equip his loyal devotees, armed to the teeth, not to accept a negative outcome for the captain when the polls refused to give him a new assignment. With or without the support of the Armed Forces, he has now decided to run for dictatorship.

If the country had not experienced the deepest institutional, political, economic and social crisis in its history, everything would have been tragicomic.

I suggested that we stop talking about the coup here the other day because that’s exactly what the putschists want, but Bolsonaro won’t allow it.

His arsenal of absurdity and barbarism seems inexhaustible, surpassing himself in idiocy every day, ignoring the real problems Brazilians face in the simple struggle for survival.

He’ll soon invent another crazy story like this one, trying to reverse the roles with the judge, making himself sometimes the victim, sometimes the executioner, of the Federal Supreme Court, the last hurdle to stop his frenzied march against democratic institutions.

What frightens me most is the resounding silence of the so-called Brazilian elite, who watch everything indifferently, without a sound. Where has everyone been hiding, industry captains and financial market leaders, USP doctors, CNBB bishops, OAB lawyers, nationalist generals?

Bolsonaro does not deceive anyone else, only those who wish to be deceived continue to enjoy his privileges and advantages.

Enjoying the suffering of others, screaming, laughing at his own bullshit, the sadomasochistic plot of this misfit was never more evident than its European counterparts in the 1930s.

In the case of Bolsonaro, eager to destroy everything that existed before, he decided to declare war on his own country only to create another nation in his own image and likeness, as he announced at that dinner in Washington with the American right. His tenure with Olavo de Carvalho and Donald Trump’s strategist Steve Bannon. Whoever tries to stop it is an enemy, a traitor, serving international communism that no longer exists.

All that remains is to resurrect the “Love it or Leave it” campaign from the military era.

Life goes on.


source: Noticias


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