Dias Toffoli, the rapporteur of the criminal reports Jair Bolsonaro sent to the Supreme Court against Alexandre de Moraes, briefly dismissed the case. At seven and a half pages—part of the text is just a transcription of the initial—he demonstrated the ridiculousness of the accusation. Of course, the President expected such a result. They live poorly surrounded, but among them there are those who know the law. I divided the section here as a historical record, not because it had a chance of success. The president didn’t want to win the case. He was simply giving his people the necessary hate rate to continue snarling at their institutions.
So, shortly after Toffoli arrived, Bolsonaro sent a representation against Moraes to the Attorney General’s Office. Another document to throw in the trash, but the purpose is the same. The “myth” wants to give the impression that it continues to fight against the powerful forces that oppress it and that will supposedly crush the country. Senator Flávio Bolsonaro (PL-RJ) repeated his father’s coup threats in an interview with SBT.
Bolsonarism seeks to normalize the coup as one of the possible outcomes of the electoral process. The formulation is stupid, inept, wrong: “I have the majority of the voters, so I will win the elections. If that doesn’t happen, it’s proven fraudulent.” It’s narcotic, but that’s the case. And it doesn’t have the majority!
According to the latest Genial-Quaest poll in the United States, Bolsonaro would have lost 69% to 20% to Lula in Bahia; 47% to 38% in Rio; 54% to 32% in Minas; From 47% to 31% in São Paulo. These, in reverse order, are the four largest colleges. They gather almost 50% of the electorate. It will be defeated at a rate of 54% to 34% across the country.
A president who respected the rule of law and the foundations of political courtesy would try to overcome adversity by praising the qualities of his government and showing that he was on the right track. But we know this is not Bolsonaro. Having nothing to give the Brazilians, especially the poor, he must inflame his troops with ideological ordeal and conspiracy theories in the hope that the prospect of conflict and chaos will frighten society away.
When faced with a defeat—which seems certain, but the election is not today—the generals are unlikely to imagine putting soldiers on the street and Congress and the Supreme in an old-fashioned barracks. , then, falling to his knees in front of his rowdy captain. The pantomime in his mind follows the scenario followed by Donald Trump in the USA. Consult the files. He also said that as long as there is no fraud, defeat is impossible. This resulted in the invasion of the Capitol.
Bolsonaro urges his followers not to admit defeat every day, trying to get the result. I suspect that in his delusions he envisions his patriots occupying Congress and the Supreme Court, collaborating with nationwide uprisings, the Military Police in disorder, in which case any of the Powers under the Constitution, the action of the Armadas, in a correct interpretation of Article 142 of the Constitution. Still, he would beat his chest, following the delusional hypothesis: “May I be the supreme authority of the powers, on my terms”.
Added and removed, Trump tried this path. But General Mark Milley, number one in the United States Armed Forces, sent the message, “The Supreme Commander here is the Constitution.” And Biden, who won at the polls and in the number of conventionals, received recognition for the victory.
Meanwhile, the capital sectors that still support Bolsonaro’s re-election must now determine what their limits are and how much they are willing to sponsor a disaster scenario. The future will certainly be dark for them. “But wait a minute, Reinaldo! Bolsonaro can still win.” Yes, that’s right: then the dark future would take another path. If he had bet on a coup in the first months of his term while he could stand for reelection, think about the choices he would make in a split second.
With sane people still aboard the putschist ship, it seems it’s time to land. Elizabeth Bagley, the future US ambassador to Brazil, was questioned by the US Senate on Wednesday. She praised the security of our electoral system and the justice that already has a history in conflict. And the lens recorded:
“I’ve watched many elections over 30 years. And I know it won’t be an easy time, largely because of the comments.” — he was referring precisely to Bolsonaro’s comments. And changed: “Despite these comments, there is an institutional basis. We will continue to show our belief and expectation that the elections will be free and fair.”
Translating it into non-diplomatic language, Bagley says fair and democratic elections are acceptable, with only the victor guaranteed to take office. Of course, Bolsonaro didn’t like it. Still delirious in the best place in the world for the domestic far right, the “captain” would come back to power and wait for Trump’s return…
Reputable intelligence agencies inside and outside the Armed Forces say there is not the slightest possibility for the military to revolt against the poll results, because they would accept the impossibility of a barracks, despite unwarranted discontent over Lula’s eventual election. A virtuous result, whatever the excuse.
I myself understand how remote such a possibility is. It turns out that Bolsonaro’s devastating bet did not even return to the barracks in the first place, as the two attacks on Moraes showed. He bets the streets, “his” streets. He aspires to become the “high chief” of the Armed Forces who will restore order in the name of the “will of the people”. From the coup plotters.
What if he wins?
Then there will be four more to plan the coup against democracy, the rule of law and elections.
source: Noticias