Home World News Galloway Devil: Legend of a cannibal family that has terrorized all of Scotland

Galloway Devil: Legend of a cannibal family that has terrorized all of Scotland

Galloway Devil: Legend of a cannibal family that has terrorized all of Scotland

Galloway Devil: Legend of a cannibal family that has terrorized all of Scotland

Recreation: In Scotland in the 16th century, the story of the terrifying murderer Alexander “Sawney” Bean was already told.

In Scotland, people still talk about legends Gallows devil And his cannibal family who ate a traveler passing by near his hideout. This myth is why adults and children are scared at night.

When the moon sets, the Scottish people sing: “”Do not go through the galloway. You need to know that Sawney Bean is waiting for you there. Watch out for Sawney Beane, Sawney Beane, Sawney Beane. Don’t let them defeat your horse Sawney Bean. “..

The main character of this storyAlexander “Thorny” BeanBorn in East Lothian Council. Edinburgh. Bean never fit into his community or his own family. It wanted him to follow in the footsteps of his father, a bakery in the village.

Illustration: Historians say Alexander Thorny Bean really existed.

Illustration: Historians say Alexander Thorny Bean really existed.

His birth year is doubtful, it depends on who speaks. Some will be placed in 1390, while others will be placed in 1500 during the reign of James VI of Scotland. The only obvious thing is that Thorny completely refused to work from an early age, He decided to challenge his neighbor to practice magic.

The beginning of the legend

At the age of 20, the young man finally decided to leave the town he hated very much. He started a relationship with Bean agnes-douglasKnown as “Black Agnes Douglas,” the woman was accused by the townspeople of practicing magic and committing a human sacrifice that aroused the devil.

During their escape, they found a cave in Bangnan Head near De Galloway. The place started with a small crack, but as I entered, I noticed it was big and deep. Sometimes the entrance is covered with tide, making it ideal for a perfect hiding place.

They decided to settle down for a few days to protect themselves from the weather, and eventually they made it their new home. They continued to survive on the basis of robbery, sometimes even ending the lives of their victims.

Agnes suggested to Bean the only solution they had to survive before dying from a lack of nutrients. Was to eat human meat.. Swayney Bean accepted it and the two began to practice cannibalism. After the attack, they left the victim’s body appearing to be attacked by wildlife to avoid getting attention.

A supposed place for a cave of a cannibal clan.

A supposed place for a cave of a cannibal clan.

WJ Passingham said in an article in Black and White magazine in 1934: At that moment, a traveler who was taking his body to the cave across the road. He wasn’t interested in his money or belongings, only meat. “

They made a family

After that, the couple had 14 children and became a cannibal clan. They usually attacked at night so as not to leave a trace. In addition, the strategic point of the cave helped them not be found as the tide rose, and thanks to this they left little clues.

Legend has it that all these disappearances attracted investigations by local governments. Without clues, justice began hunting witches. And it brought the deaths of dozens of innocent people by hanging. These executions did not threaten the Bean family.

A Glasgow merchant couple was attacked by a clan. The man was able to arm, fight and escape the attack. Meanwhile, she had no luck because his wife was arrested by her family shortly after falling from the horse they were riding in the struggle.

Illustration: Agnes and Thorny were parents of eight boys and six girls.

Illustration: Agnes and Thorny were parents of eight boys and six girls.

Riding on a horse, the merchant chased a cannibal to save his wife, but only parts of her body were scattered on the road. Feared and angry, the man went looking for authorities to help him find the person responsible for the death of his wife.When the king knew what had happened He sent 400 soldiers to find the one who was guilty of murder.

Was sentenced to the worst sentence

With the help of hounds, they found a clan cave. Soldiers entered through a zigzag passage, and the walls of the place were adorned with skeletons and the remains of the victims. Upon entering, they were horrified, the children were playing with the corpse debris, even necklaces and bracelets made of the victim’s bone debris.

The cannibals were imprisoned in Edinburgh and their members were not even tried. He was sentenced to death directly and executed on the spot.

Legend has it that Sawney Bean has repeatedly said, “It’s not over, it’s never over.” The clan founded by Bean thanks to incest consisted of a total of 48 members.

The movie "Road to Terror" was inspired by the Bean family.

The movie “Road to Terror” was inspired by the Bean family.

Believed Over 1000 people have been killed by cannibal families. Today, the Scottish coast has cliffs leading to the cave where the Beans once lived, and despite more than 600 years, no one dares to enter.

It has not been confirmed if this legend is true, but Scotland has a collection of cannibalistic myths and legends.

Source: Clarin


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