The man said he did not expect such a fuss because of his special desires.
Some people dream of movies, rock, movie stars, prominent athletes, influencers, and more.Among them, you can count the cases of Toko that you always have I wanted to be dog.
Yes, in a dog. That is a big human wish,from Japan. And, in a way, he seemed unlikely to succeed, but he did. Or something like that. The truth is that networks are revolutionizing now.
As in all cases, dreaming of it is not enough. It requires strong belief and patience. In this particular case, a nice collar and chain. And now, yes, to break it.
To reach your goal Toko must have relied on “trick”. Of course, pills and injections that turn humans into fillets have not yet been invented. It’s not even the “species transformation” that is prevalent these days.

The man said he didn’t expect such a fuss in his suit.
Therefore, Toko was more practical.In his case, what he dide Outsource to a company that specializes in special effects and special modeling To make him a surreal costume A breed of dog, collie.
He said he was disguised as Toko They charged him 2 million yen (Something like $ 15,000). It’s expensive, but it’s worth it. The similarity with a real dog is very impressive.
Presentation on social networks
Toko introduced her “dog alter ego” to the world on both her Twitter account and her new YouTube channel, announcing what she wanted. “Share your ride” to live like a dog.
And the network reception was strong. The rare story of an octopus became a hot topic, Appeared on TV programs nationwide“Refreshing variety refreshing !!” etc. Nippon Television.
As always, the octopus is good received on the network Support and other shows, of course. Otherwise, they wouldn’t be the social networks we love so much.
“I posted the video because I felt it was a waste to use it alone,” he said. “Nevertheless, I didn’t expect it to have such an impact“.
But the octopus couldn’t answer the important question satisfactorily: why? simply, The man replied, “I don’t know.”.. Sometimes you don’t need a reason.
Ultra-realistic suit
“The production was very complicated,” said Zepet, a company that made the suits. “Because the anatomy of dogs is very different from that of humans, Had to be wise“, They kept.
“”I use pictures of Collie taken from different anglesWe improved the fluffiness of the coat to hide the shell of the costume as much as possible, and opened and closed the mouth naturally, “said a Zeppet spokesman.
“Currently, our main customer is e.Movie and advertising companies; Individual orders make up about 10% of the total, “they added.
For details, see Collie Costume I made it by hand with faux fur, The details it has are impressive. It took 40 days to complete.
Source: Clarin