Boris Johnson says Russia has made ‘slow but tangible’ progress in Ukraine

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British Prime Minister Boris Johnson said on Friday that Russia has made progress, albeit slowly, in Ukraine.

in an interview with Bloomberg UKThe British prime minister has said that Russian President Vladimir Putin continues to gain ground in the eastern Ukrainian region of Donbass, where the breakaway Donetsk and Lugansk regions are located, “at a great cost to him and his army”.

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“It continues to make gradual, slow but tangible progress, so it is absolutely vital that we continue to support the Ukrainians militarily,” Johnson added.

Map Russia invades Ukraine - 26.02.2022 - Arte UOL - Arte UOL

Image: UOL Art

Currently, the war is focused on Donetsk and Lugansk, the main goal of which is “liberation”, officially declared by Moscow. These two provinces have an ethnic Russian majority and have been the scene of separatist conflicts since 2014.

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source: Noticias

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