In February of this year, the magazine Economist Published a text stating that Europe is a continent freeloader from international relations. The expression in English is often used to refer to actors who benefit from the actions of third parties and gain advantages for themselves that they do not have to pay for. It would be something equivalent to what we colloquially know as “hitchhiking”.
The publication makes a comparison between the behavior of countries and road cyclists. He says that athletes who are out of breath “keep sneaking their pace behind faster riders” and “with that flow, it’s easy to get comfortable if not totally lazy.”
But the publication notes that over time the outcome of this is problematic for everyone. Leaders are not only tired, but also uncomfortable with the overload placed on them. On the other hand, those who are late also resent the realization that they are being diverted to routes they did not choose.
From a military standpoint, the text of the British magazine suggests that Europe has in recent years embarked on a journey through US interests in protecting NATO, dedicating itself to a “support role” even in the context of surrounding wars. o.. From an economic point of view, including environmental and welfare ambitions, the bloc has made a journey to the globalization and deterritorialization of production chains, which has allowed products and supplies to be imported into the region at low costs and without exposing its surroundings and surroundings. degrading working conditions
From a political point of view, such disturbances with Europa have popped up again and again around the world. Perhaps the biggest statement came during the Trump administration in the United States, when, despite the historic alliance, Americans decided to put pressure on Europeans in order to increase the return on their military investment in the region. Trump has maintained a constant irritation involving NATO in particular, as he understands that collective security regulation benefits everyone, but is predominantly funded and sustained by US efforts.
In the context of the Ukraine war, such accusations took a new breath with the actions of actors from the UK to Turkey. In some cases, they refer to countries that impose moderate sanctions against Russia and supply Ukraine with less than they can, but try to capitalize on its image of belonging to the Western bloc. In other cases, it is countries that try to use the conflict in Eastern Europe to exploit their own geopolitical agendas and link the conflict to agendas of other interests.
This is an agenda that should be followed closely. In a polarized world marked by all kinds of resentment and populism, the unspoken question is: How long will the platoon stay united?
source: Noticias