Former President Lula is trying to untangle the knots of a PT-PSB alliance in five states. He wants PT supporters to support the PSB gubernatorial candidates in Espírito Santo, Santa Catarina and Rio Grande do Sul. In return, I would like to unequivocally acknowledge the support of the PSB and Márcio França to Fernando Haddad, the PT’s primary candidate for the government of São Paulo.
Lula and his future deputy, Geraldo Alckmin, scheduled a meeting with PT presidents Gleisi Hoffman and PSB Carlos Siqueira in São Paulo this morning.
The idea is that Alckmin and Siqueira managed to persuade França to drop her candidacy for the government of São Paulo and get into Haddad’s canoe. For this, Lula believes the PT’s strong political gestures will be necessary in three states (Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina and Espírito Santo) and a delicate seam still needs to be made in Rio de Janeiro.
In Rio Grande do Sul, Lula and some of the PT at the top of the party believe that state deputy Edegar Pretto should drop his government candidacy to support former federal lawmaker Beto Albuquerque (PSB). Lula and Alckmin will visit the state tomorrow.
The political struggle is tough for Lula’s allies in Rio Grande do Sul. Former governor Eduardo Leite (PSDB), who has so far failed to get his national project on board, may return to the state dispute. In that case, it would be the clear favourite. The discussion of other powers in the state will be to see who will be defeated by Leite.
The Santa Catarina trip tomorrow and Thursday has been delayed due to differences between PT and PSB. Lula argues that the PT members dropped the candidacy of former MP Décio Lima to support the candidacy of Senator Décio Berger, who left the MDB to run for provincial government.
In Espirito Santo, the PT leadership believes it is worth supporting the reelection candidacy of governor Renato Casagrande. Casagrande harshly criticizes Lula and the PT members, but the need to build strong regional platforms speaks louder. In this context, Senator Fabiano Contarato, who was in the middle of his term, was not going to run for the government of Espirito Santo.
Rio de Janeiro has a complicated knot. Alessandro Molon (PSB) is doing well in Senate polls and gaining support from the artist class. However, the PT turned off its government support for Marcelo Freixo (PSB) in exchange for keeping André Ceciliano’s Senate seat.
In São Paulo, Lula maintains the view that it would be better to have a single platform and a wide front around Haddad (PT). This requires convincing the former governor, Márcio França, to abandon his assumption and support the PT.
In other words, Lula wants France to have Alckmin’s stand against Haddad: dissidents who decide to join the electoral forces. The idea is to offer the seat to France to the Senate.
These articulations were the subject of “Radar das Eleções” published by UOL this Tuesday.
source: Noticias