Home World News Johnny Depp case: this is how 3 great Hollywood actors ended up after their complicated tests

Johnny Depp case: this is how 3 great Hollywood actors ended up after their complicated tests

Johnny Depp case: this is how 3 great Hollywood actors ended up after their complicated tests

Johnny Depp case: this is how 3 great Hollywood actors ended up after their complicated tests

Left to right: Arbuckle, Downey Jr. and Flynn. Photo (center): AP

Johnny Depp is in the final stretch of the libel trial he has started against his ex Amber Heard. In a few hours, probably, we will know how he will turn out everything. After the jury’s verdict, a new story will begin: How will the protagonists’ careers in Hollywood continue?

The scandal will no doubt affect Heard and Depp’s future work. Whatever the outcome. While it is not possible to guess how their careers will progress, it is possible to know how a number of actors who went through long trials similar to theirs a few decades ago did. We see three cases with very different consequences.

There are hours to define who is right, whether Johnny Depp or Amber Heard.  Photo: Reuters

There are hours to define who is right, whether Johnny Depp or Amber Heard. Photo: Reuters

1- Roscoe Arbuckle

"Fatty" Arbuckle rose to prominence in the second decade of the 20th century.

“Fatty” Arbuckle rose to prominence in the second decade of the 20th century.

The Arbuckle process is paradigmatic. It was one of the first of this style. The actor shone like no other in the second decade of the 20th century – he also stood out in Charles Chaplin films -, but in 1921 his career changed completely.

That year he was accused of rape and murder. Eventually she ended up undergoing three trials. In the first two they did not reach an agreement; in the third, the jury found him not guilty and publicly stated that he had made a serious mistake in trying him for so long.

Forgiveness was not enough over the next decade, the “Fatty” work fluctuated. No studio called him and he had to abandon his real profession to seek directing. He was even forced to use a pseudonym so his name wouldn’t appear in the credits of the films.

When his career seemed to improve and he had signed on to star in a movie again, he passed away.

2 – Errol Flynn

1958 photograph of Australian actor Errol Flynn.  Photo: EFE

1958 photograph of Australian actor Errol Flynn. Photo: EFE

The case of the Hollywood sex symbol of the first half of the 20th century is as controversial as the previous one, but the consequences in the career of the first stellar Robin Hood were quite different.

In February 1943, two girls aged 16 and 17 accused him of rape. If found guilty, his career would obviously have come to a complete halt and he would have spent at least 50 years in prison.

But in each of these cases there is a “but”. His power of him in the industry (based on the success of his films) was such that he managed to hire the best lawyer of the time: Jerry Giesler. A guy who never lost cases no matter what or who he was defending. His goal was to get results and he got them. In front, on the side of the prosecution, was the expert Thomas Cochran.

The trial was in the media as it is now that of Depp and Heard. Cochran and Giesler practically dueled on stage. Nobody knew how it would turn out, with Flynn behind bars or as a national hero.

Robin Hood was Flynn's most famous character.

Robin Hood was Flynn’s most famous character.

The dispute was short enough; the impact in depth. It started on February 1st and ended on February 5th with a jury marathon that lasted all night. They say Flynn bit his nails and leaked in the middle of the definition that it went 10-2, albeit without the information as to who would win.

February 6 Flynn was found not guilty.. Giesler, perhaps unfairly, ended up winning the game: he had selected 9 housewives (the audience who idolized Flynn) and two men as jurors.

Flynn’s career continued as if nothing had happened. The actor starred in films until 1959, when Cuban Rebel Girls hit theaters. Him and died like a star.

3- Robert Downey Jr.

Downey Jr. was sentenced to 3 years, but spent only 1 in prison.Photo: AP

Downey Jr. was sentenced to 3 years, but spent only 1 in prison.Photo: AP

Robert Downey Jr.’s life before Tony Stark from the Marvel Cinematic Universe It was very different from what it is today.

During the eighties and nineties until practically the beginning of the 2000s, the actor had many complications due to his drug addiction. This problem led to him spending short periods of time in prison which reached its peak when he spent a year behind bars for not taking a mandatory test to see if he was still using it or not.

Once released, the actor resumed his career in a renowned film production, but had to abandon it due to a relapse. It was at this time that he was hospitalized to fight his illness, a difficult decision that was rewarded, as in 2003 he resumed his career with the detective who sings. The rest is history.

With Iron Man, the actor established himself in Hollywood.  Photo: AP

With Iron Man, the actor established himself in Hollywood. Photo: AP

Although the alleged crimes committed by these professionals are different, their post-problem destinations with justice serve to exemplify three different places Depp and Heard can reach after trial. Arbuckle lost his career; Flynn managed to put his star status above everything – and everyone – and Downey Jr. not only kept working, but found much more success than before the big scandal.

Source: Clarin


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