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Ricardo Feltrin Angolas threatens to confront police to defend Universal de Macedo 06/06/2022 14:37

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Apostles, attorneys, and representatives of the Universal Church of the Kingdom of God are mobilized to reclaim assets in that land. The goods were “taken” by Angolan leaders who left the church two years ago.

Today, most – if not all – of temples and estates are in the hands of Angolan bishops and priests. Between late 2019 and 2020, they launched a “revolt” against Brazilian leaders (trusted members of Bishop Edir Macedo).

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In addition to taking “ownership” of the temples, they managed to pressure the Angolan government to shut down the RecordTV subsidiary. War ended in Justice.

almost all cleared

In March, in sentencing, after more than a year of investigation and trial, only the bishop and supreme leader of the church, Honorilton Gonçalves, was sentenced to three years in prison in the African country, in addition to paying compensation. approximately Rs 400,000 to two local clergy.

In practice, it wouldn’t even have to serve time. It has also been in Brazil since the end of last year.

As justice has acquitted Universal’s leaders of nearly all crimes charged, the church is now on the offensive: it wants back everything taken from it, including power over temples.

He also wants to reopen RecordTV in that country, because no crimes that can be attributed to the station – like being involved in a plot in the country – have been proven.

7000 Warriors

Universal doesn’t just rely on qualified lawyers to win over the “rebels”. There are thousands of Angolan faithful and pastors in the church who are still on the side of the Brazilians.

The group that challenges the “rebels” is called “7,000”. This is a reference to the Bible book of “kings” (1 – 18:19), which speaks of 7,000 faithful Christians who did not kneel to Baal, one of the beings treated as false in the Old Testament.

The column received an audio sent by the (Angolan) pastor João de Brito to the “Group of 7,000” on whatsapp.

The religion calls upon “7,000” to resist and oppose dissent, even on the basis of violence.
“Attention 7,000 people, red alert! We must all act now, we cannot accept this injustice, the occupation of our mother (mother is the Universal Cathedral in Luanda, Maculusso.

And it continues:

“Neither the police nor anyone else (can’t stop us.) They can come with tear gas. They either kill everyone or arrest everyone. We’ll buy tires, we’ll get gas. Let’s start the revolution now,” he says. Reverend Brito.

Other side

UNICom, the spokesperson for the Universal Church sought by the column, said that leaders in Angola need to talk about this.

At the time of this column’s publication, no Pastor Brito or any other pro-Universal Brazilian Angolan leader has been found.

06/06/2022 14:37

source: Noticias

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