Russia (8) underestimated the impact of its offensive in Ukraine on Wednesday, on the rise in grain prices and urged not to “overstate” the importance of Ukrainian production in the world.
“We need not exaggerate the importance of grain reserves. [ucranianos] In international markets, Kremlin spokesman Dmitri Peskov told the media.
It is a very small percentage to have a significant impact on the world food crisis that has already begun,” he added.
According to Peskov, the crisis stems from “a series of events and malicious acts by governments around the world.” However, he did not specify the events he mentioned.
Earlier, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov also downplayed the impact of the conflict on the food crisis. He visited Turkey’s capital, Ankara, and said that “there is no cause or catalyst for the food crisis”.
“We paid a lot of attention to the problem of exporting Ukrainian grains, when these grains represent less than 1% of world wheat and other cereals production, which our Western colleagues and Ukrainians try to present as a universal crisis,” he said.
Since the beginning of the conflict, grain and oil prices have risen significantly, even surpassing the 2011 Arab Spring prices and the “hunger riots” of 2008.
Ukraine is the world’s fourth largest exporter of wheat and third corn, but can no longer export its production to the Black Sea due to the Russian attack.
source: Noticias