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Where is the second tiger in this visual challenge? Only 1% manage to find out

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Where is the second tiger in this visual challenge?  Only 1% manage to find out

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Where is the second tiger in this visual challenge? Only 1% manage to find out. Photo: Web

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Visual challenges excite many. that happens test our acuity and in some cases they also reveal some traits of our personality.

In this sense, these challenges They have become one of the things that most seduce web users, who share them as much as possible through their social networks and turn them into real viral phenomena.

And in particular, to all those who represent some of them challenge visual or logical-mathematical thinking.

This is one of his cases. A challenge is being shared intensely on the Internet. Let’s see it.

Viral challenge: where is the tiger?

The goal is discover the hidden tiger What’s in a jungle scene. Simple? No. It is much more difficult than you think. If you can spot the hidden message in this image, then you are smarter than mostemphasizes The New York Post.

Where is the second tiger?  Let's find out!  Photo: Web

Where is the second tiger? Let’s find out! Photo: Web

It thus happens that the image somehow contains not one but two big cats. One, of course, is much easier to identify than the other.

Although the image of this challenge is not new – as it is an optical illusion that has existed for several years – recently reshared in several posts on Reddit, Facebook and WhatsApp.

What is the solution?

As we said, in the image you can clearly see a large tiger in the center; but the visual challenge is find a second tiger hiding Over there. If we can do it, we can join the 1% that makes it

Tracks? You don’t have to look around, something that is usually done in the beginning. You have to observe in detail the feline that appears in the center of the image.

It happens that the answer is in him. Between its black stripes, along the body and hind leg, the text reads: “The hidden tiger” (“The hidden tiger”in Spanish).

What are optical illusions

The optical illusions They are usually fun, but they also have real value to scientists, media highlights.

Brain puzzles help researchers shed light on inner workings of the mind and how it reacts to the environment.

In 2017, scientists Kim Ransley and Alex O. Holcombe of the University of Sydney highlighted the importance of illusions for our understanding of the brain.

“Visual illusions show us this we have no direct access to realityThe couple wrote The conversation. They added: “They can also provide information on the mental processing which provides our experience of the visible world.

Source: Clarin

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