A violent image left the Summit of the Americas taking place in Los Angeles this Thursday when he was a pro-abortion activist violently approached by the staff of secret services from the United States. for demonstrating in front of the trailer carrying Joe Biden.
In the video that went viral on Twitter, we see how the woman confronts the vehicle that transported the president of the United States to demonstrate and everything becomes a big mistake.
An agent comes from behind, he grabs her hard and runs on the other side of the road. Then he throws her to the ground violently and until he slaps her.
The woman, desperate to get rid of him, takes off her hat and glasses. She loses her cell phone in her hand and his clothes become rags in the violent struggle.

Violent arrest at the Summit of the Americas. Photo capture.
A witness of the scene – curiously with a skateboard in hand– arrives to ask the agents to leave her and, incidentally, grabs the megaphone with which the demonstrator was protesting: he was lying next to the Dante scene.
“Get off your back(something like “Don’t touch me”, but said in a nasty way), the young woman yells at them as they handcuff her.
The violent intervention of the police try to be justified by mistrust facing presidential security in the same way that the excesses of agents have sparked hordes of protests over attacks and even crimes of black men criminal believers.
Abortion is the subject of debate in Biden’s country before the imminent presumption that the Supreme Court – of a conservative profile – will rule against its legality and in the midst of an escalation of women’s protests against the limitations already established in several states.
The Summit of the Americas
In a theater filled with guests, Latin American music and mariachis, US President Joe Biden formally opened the 9th Summit of the Americas on Wednesday.
The president of the United States has launched an economic initiative for the region in meeting with the leaders of the continent. “At a time when democracies are under attack around the world, let’s unite again,” he said.

Violent arrest of a pro-abortion activist at the Summit of the Americas. Photo capture.
“Our region is long and diversewe may not agree on everything, as we are democracies we have differences, but we must have respect in dialogue, “he said.
Meanwhile, his Argentine counterpart, Alberto Fernández, condemned the blockades against Cuba and Venezuela and questioned the United States for excluding them from the meeting.
“We certainly would have wanted another Summit of the Americas. The silence of the absent challenges us. In order for this not to happen again, I would like to clarify for the future that being the host country of the Summit does not grant the possibility of imposing an “admission right” on the member countries of the continent, ”the Argentine president told the United States.
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Source: Clarin