In this Friday’s (10) issue of Live UOL, I commented on the meeting between President Jair Bolsonaro and American leader Joe Biden during the Americas Summits in Los Angeles. The meeting was described as “extraordinary” by Bolsonaro, who declared support for former President Donald Trump during the 2020 US election.
Bolsonaro lies when he says in his speech that Brazil and the United States were once separated for ideological reasons. He does not know or does not know that the worst relationship between the two countries is under his government. The President forgets, for example, that the United States was the first country in the world to recognize Brazilian independence.
Since Dom Pedro I, the country has maintained good relations with North American leaders – or at least until the current government. Even former presidents such as Jânio Quadros and João Goulart, who were very close to communist countries, managed to establish closer relations with the United States than Jair Bolsonaro. And even Fidel Castro had more dialogue than he did.
In this issue of Live UOL, we also discuss PGR’s request for the Federal Police to investigate Brazilians who applied to the Prosecutor General Augusto Aras during his vacation in Paris, and Bolsonaro’s call to entrepreneurs in the US. food industry. reducing the profit margin from the sale of staple food basket products. Alongside Felipe Moura Brasil, I livestream on UOL’s YouTube, Facebook and Twitter profiles, discussing the country’s main issues from 17:00 to 18:00 daily.
source: Noticias