Home World News After BBC News Brasil told Biden he respects the election, Bolsonaro says the only way to avoid problems is to talk to the military 06/11/2022 17:59

After BBC News Brasil told Biden he respects the election, Bolsonaro says the only way to avoid problems is to talk to the military 06/11/2022 17:59

After BBC News Brasil told Biden he respects the election, Bolsonaro says the only way to avoid problems is to talk to the military 06/11/2022 17:59

Bolsonaro described Barroso as a “bad character”, questioned whether Moraes was a “psychopath” and said Fachin wanted to “give the electoral feel” to the election process by inviting international observers.

After Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro stated before American President Joe Biden that he came to power through democracy and will step down from power, and that he respects the current electoral system and its results in the eyes of the US government, he reiterated the work of the Supreme Election Court (TSE) and the work of the Supreme Election Court (TSE). He stated that he attacked the Federal Supreme Court ministers.

Bolsonaro described minister Luís Roberto Barroso as a “bad character”, questioned whether Alexandre de Moraes was a “psychopath” and that Edson Fachin urged election monitors to “give a legal air” to an election process that he said Bolsonaro did not trust. told. . Last Friday (10/6) as requested by Bolsonaro, the Ministry of Defense sent a new letter to the TSE asking the court to facilitate access to the ballot box audit process for both military and political parties.

Asked by BBC News Brasil whether the country could experience a state of violence similar to the January 2021 invasion of the US Capitol following the announcement of the election results in Brazil, Bolsonaro said: “I don’t know what will happen. For me, there will be clean elections, for the Defense itself, who was invited before the elections. We will definitely take action,” he said.

The president then quoted a recent statement by PDT presidential candidate Ciro Gomes: “The third in the polls, Ciro Gomes, just said, ‘Brazil will be at war in the morning if Lula wins.’ The overwhelming majority is with me.”

The President repeated statements already rejected by the TSE regarding election fraud in 2014 when PT Dilma Rousseff was re-elected. He suggested that the cancellation of the cases against Lula be arranged by Justice so that the PT member would return to Planalto in 2023.

Jair Bolsonaro - Reuters - Reuters

Bolsonaro is in Orlando to inaugurate a Brazilian consulate in the city of approximately 180,000 Brazilians.

Image: Reuters

Asked by BBC News Brasil whether he would call on his supporters to avoid violence in the election, whatever the outcome, Bolsonaro said:

“Oh, wait a minute. You think I’m going for this? I understand that the Brazilian population is civilized. I hope all three Supreme Ministers at TSE are civil,” he said. Luis Roberto Barroso, Edson Fachin and Alexandre de Moraes.

He later changed:

“You’re pointing out a possibility, we don’t know, but why don’t you avoid it? Their technical team (TSE) will meet with the Armed Forces technical team. There is no other way to avoid problems. 49% is given to Lula, 30% is given to me, let’s say I I won, will this 49% be infuriating? Will they say there is fraud?” said Bolsonaro.

According to Bolsonaro, “no one has this power (to prevent violent acts of supporters) any less than mine.”

Motorcycle rider in Orlando in front of Lagoinha Church - MARIANA SANCHES/BBC BRASIL - MARIANA SANCHES/BBC BRASIL

Pro-Bolsonaro motorcyclist gathers in front of Lagoinha Church in Orlando, where the president will attend


TSE Ministers

President Bolsonaro called Barroso a “characterless liar” for saying in February that the president had leaked a secret election investigation to support allegations of ballot fraud, and in doing so “aided digital militias and hackers from all over the world”. “world”. In the series, Bolsonaro made a change to “I am not attacking the Electoral Judge, I am attacking Barroso who has no character”.

Regarding Moraes, “What does this guy think? What does he gain from this? What are his interests? Who is he connected to? Or is he a psychopath? He has a problem.”

Moraes is spearheading investigations into fake news and undemocratic actions that have resulted in fines for congressmen from the president’s base, such as federal lawmaker Daniel Silveira. After Silveira’s conviction, Bolsonaro pardoned his ally.

“I forgave this parliamentarian and he [Moraes] He continues to chase after him, fines him, and now blocks the cell phone of his wife, the lawyer who is defending him. Alexandre de Moraes’ TSE demonizes pages, destroys pages. Bolsonaro said he had lunch in front of the Brazilian steakhouse Fogo de Chão in Orlando before heading back to Brasília.

Bolsonaro compared Moraes’ actions to the process that led to the arrest of former Bolivian president Jeanine Añez, who was convicted of plotting a coup in 2019. Bolsonaro isn’t the first to quote Añez to comment on concerns about the future. If you leave the plateau.

“The gang lost [as eleições]The Evo Morales band is back. What happened a year ago? He was arrested as a precaution. And now a ten-year sentence has been approved for him. What is crime? undemocratic actions. Does anyone have any connections to the investigations into Alexandre de Moraes and undemocratic actions? So is it a threat to me to leave the government?” he asked.

Bolsonaro also criticized Fachin’s actions to invite election observers to watch the Brazilian elections that took place in the last election. “What are these observers going to do there? Observe? See, if their program doesn’t have the superhuman gaze that can observe microchips. How qualified are these observers?” BBC News Brasil cited the OAS, the Organization of American States, which routinely carries out this work with Brazilian support.

“Oh, OAS. Oh, for God’s sake, you think someone wearing an OAS badge has solved the problem? They invited him to give it a legit flair. You know what I used to do at Barroso, Fachin, and Alexandre? de Moraes’ place? ‘President , let’s talk’. But they don’t want to talk.”

On Friday, the day after the first bilateral meeting between Biden and Bolsonaro, State Department spokeswoman Kristina Rosales said the United States views the presence of international observers as the foundation of the process.

The questioning and renewed criticism of the elections marked the end of President Bolsonaro’s visit to the United States. In addition to meeting with Biden, Bolsonaro attended the 9th Summit of the Americas. He then traveled across the country to open a consular post in Orlando, Florida to speak at Lagoinha Church, an evangelical denomination in Orlando, Florida, and to organize a motorcycle show with approximately 350 motorcyclists from the Brazilian community.

Mariana Sanches – BBC News Brazilian Ambassador to Orlando (USA)

06/11/2022 17:59

source: Noticias


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