Human rights: Bachelet did not seek a second term at the UN

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The High Commissioner ofUN for human rights, Michelle Bachelet announced on Monday that she would not seek a second term in her position, too openly, to spend time with her family and her country, Chile.

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Ms. made a surprise. Bachelet at the opening of the 50th session of the Human Rights Council. At the end of my term as High Commissioner, the 50th session of the Council will be my last speaker.launched the 70 -year -old former president of Chile.

The secret about his intentions was until then well kept. At a brief press briefing, Mrs Bachelet specified that she had informed him bossAntonio Guterres, Secretary General ofUNof his decision two months ago.

He [Antonio Guterres] He wanted me to stay, but […] I am no longer a virgin, and after a long and rich career, I want to return to my country, to my family.

A quote from Michelle Bachelet, High Commissioner for Human RightsUN
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The position of high commissioner for human rights was generally subject to strong political pressure, and almost all of his predecessors avoided serving a second term.

Michelle Bachelet, Chile’s first female president, a victim of torture, was appointed high commissioner in 2018, and her dialogue -based style marked a clear break from her predecessor, Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein of Jordan.

Keep looking for dialoguehe told the Council, before insisting: Be willing to listen to each other, understand each other’s perspectives and actively work to find a common ground.

Severe criticism

The former president has come under intense criticism in recent months by the United States, but also by major human rights organizations, such as Human Rights Watch or Amnesty International, who have criticized him for being unstable in the face of violations. human rights in China, especially during his visit to that country, the first by a high commissioner since 2005.

It has nothing to do in her decision not to run for a second term, Ms. Bachelet. If he always listen when people criticize usito that’s not what [la] adopt certain positionshe insisted.

He also promised that the report ofUN on human rights abuses in Xinjiang-home to Uighurs persecuted by Beijing-will be published before he leaves on Aug. 31. Many countries are crying out for it.

Bachelet said he would first share it with the Chinese authorities, as dictated by tradition.

I always emphasize the importance of dialogue in my interactions with all member countries, including on the most difficult topics.he explained to the Council.

A brilliant journey full of pitfalls

Born on September 29, 1951 in Santiago, Michelle Bachelet spent her childhood criss-crossing in Chile following the move of her father, an air force pilot. In 1970, he began studying medicine and joined the Socialist Youth.

On September 11, 1973, the date of Augusto Pinochet’s coup, his father was arrested. He died after six months in custody, tortured by his colleagues. Alberto Bachelet’s death forever marked the life of his daughter, who always wanted to live with this beloved and admired father.

He continued his medical studies, but in January 1975 he and his mother were arrested by the secret services, who took them to the Villa Grimaldi detention center, where the two women were tortured.

He has twice been president of his country.

After the first mandate (2006-2010) which was completed with record popularity, Ms. could not immediately stand up. Bachelet for re -election, the Constitution prohibits a person from using two consecutive mandates.

Appointed CEO ofUN Ladies, she used to leave Santiago for New York.

He then served a second term (2014-2018) as president of Chile, where he disrupted a supposedly highly conservative society through a series of progressive reforms, including the adoption of same-sex marriage and the decriminalization of abortion, which until now prohibited.

France Media Agency

Source: Radio-Canada

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