Sleep in pairs. Photo: Istock
Sharing the bed with our partner has unexpected benefitsaccording to new research presented at the annual meeting of Associated professional sleep societies.
Even in the depths of sleep, our brain is not completely isolated of those around us, researchers say.
The sound of snoring, the pulling of the blankets and the shock of the limbs they are registered at a certain level yet, far from interrupting sleep, it would actually cause the feeling of having rested better.
Photo: Getty couple
At least, this happens when we sleep with a spouse or partner; if, on the other hand, she regularly sleeps with a child, for example, she generally reports greater insomnia than those who sleep alone.
The results are based on survey responses and sleep scores from more than 1,000 working-age adults in the United States and suggest that the person we sleep with it can affect how good we feel when we wake up.
Compared to those who slept alone, participants reported sharing a bed with their partner less fatigue, the ability to fall asleep faster and sleep longer.
This group also had lower scores of depression, anxiety and stress compared to those who slept alone.
“Sleeping with a partner or spouse shows great health benefits of sleepincluding reduced risk of apnea, insomnia and an overall improvement in sleep quality, “said psychiatrist Brandon Fuentes of University of Arizona.
Positive effects. sleeping with the couple
It is unclear whether the improvements in mental health are due to the benefits of co-sleeping or the quality of the relationship in general. Even it could be a little bit of both.
In general, people in committed relationships show better physical and mental health than single women.
It is difficult to understand why this is. There are so many variables that affect the body and mind throughout life. Yes we add too the mysterious nature of sleep the image becomes even more cloudy.
Most studies exploring the benefits of sleeping alone or sharing a bed have been based on self-reported sleep qualitylike this.
Alone some studies investigated how sleeping with a romantic partner actually affects crucial neurological stages of sleep, such as rapid eye movement (REM) sleep.
Interestingly, that type of research found that couples not only synchronized their movements during sleep, but also synchronize their sleep stages.
When couples slept in the same bed, their REM sleep increased by 10 percent e it was less interrupted than when they slept alone.
The interpersonal synchronization it is related to prosocial behavior, bonding and positive affection, all of which have mental health benefits.
This could be part of why polls continue to find evidence that couples do feel better with sleep when they do it together.
Source: ScienceAlert
Source: Clarin