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Reuters Two days after the result Itamaraty congratulates Gustavo Petro on election in Colombia 06/21/2022 14:17

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The Foreign Ministry issued a statement on Tuesday in which it salutes Gustavo Petro, a former member of the M-19 guerrilla movement who was elected president of Colombia on Sunday.

“The Brazilian government congratulates Senator Gustavo Petro on his election as President of Colombia,” the Foreign Ministry said.

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“By wishing the elected president every success in the discharge of his duties, the Brazilian government reaffirms its commitment to the continuation and deepening of bilateral relations with Colombia for the welfare, welfare, democracy and freedom of our peoples.” added. .

On Monday, President Jair Bolsonaro made no official comment on Petro’s election, simply telling his supporters he was “an old guerrilla of the left”.

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The Brazilian government’s stance on the victory of Petro, the first left-wing candidate to be elected president in the country, followed the scenario of other elected heads of state from the same ideological spectrum, without compliments from Bolsonaro himself.

In December, Brazil only hailed Chilean Gabriel Boric, again in a note from Itamaraty, four days after that country’s government confirmed Boric’s election to President.

Bolsonaro did not attend Boric’s inauguration ceremony and chose Vice President Hamilton Mourão to represent the government in March.

Ricardo Brito

06/21/2022 14:17

source: Noticias

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