Home World News Peru: a teacher acquitted who physically assaulted a student for mistreating a classmate

Peru: a teacher acquitted who physically assaulted a student for mistreating a classmate

Peru: a teacher acquitted who physically assaulted a student for mistreating a classmate

Peru: a teacher acquitted who physically assaulted a student for mistreating a classmate

A teacher beat up a student who was mistreating a classmate.

The authorities of the San Felipe educational center, who had removed a teacher savagely beating a student who was mistreating a classmate, they decided to reverse their decision and the man will be able to continue teaching in that institute, located in the city of Piura, in Peru,

In the last week strong images have emerged in which it was possible to observe Daniele Mendoza while hitting a student with some kind of belt in the middle of the class. Far from being a normal situation, she had acted this way to stop a student from mistreating another boy.

After being acquitted of the charges, the professor expressed his happiness on social networks: “I thank the directors of this honorable institute for understanding my situation and for having done justice as I did. Let this stand as a precedent so that everyone knows that we can still change, that everyone knows being a teacher is not just filling notebooks, but also teaching and cultivating true values ​​”.

“We show that we can still trust that good always wins over evil. As a teacher I am committed to continuing to provide a good education. Thanks to all the parents who supported me and asked for justice for meSeriously, thank you very much, God bless you, ”he added.

San Felipe Educational Institute, Peru.

San Felipe Educational Institute, Peru.

For its part, the director of the institute supported the actions of the teacher and, moreover, stated that the the adolescent who committed the abuse was deported. “We will not tolerate bullying or school abuse among students, our duty is to educate and do not allow abuses of this typeHe noted.

Before the authorities’ determination was known, Mendoza had stated that he did not regret what he had done. However, he had expressed concern about a possible complaint or dismissal.

I know they will fire me, or maybe even take me to jailbut I could no longer continue to see such injustice, such abuse against a defenseless person. I do not regret anything“, He then stressed. However, days later she received the best news: she will continue with her work at the school.

“Mom, I want to go to heaven”: the sentence of an 8-year-old girl who was bullied in Río Gallegos

“Mom, I want to go to heaven.” With that sentence, an eight-year-old girl described to her mother what she suffers at school. She has achieved so much that she even receives physical assaults. It happened in elementary school number 39 in the El Carmen neighborhood, in Río Gallegos.

The drawing the girl received and set off her family's alarm.  Photo New day.

The drawing the girl received and set off her family’s alarm. Photo New day.

To make the situation more dramatic, the authorities of the Santa Cruz Education Council have downplayed the bullying that the girl is suffering, as well as other cases that are repeated more and more frequently in the schools of Santa Cruz.

“This has been going on for a long time, I would say since the beginning of the year. And it happened to adults, that’s why I made it public. Is that my baby was beaten, with bumps on the head, a black eye and bruises on the body. And now with the drawing theme where a guy says’will kill her‘” She said Clarione María, the mother of the girl who is in third grade.

Source: Clarin


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