Home World News After ten days of violent protests, the Ecuadorian government rejects the conditions of the indigenous people

After ten days of violent protests, the Ecuadorian government rejects the conditions of the indigenous people

After ten days of violent protests, the Ecuadorian government rejects the conditions of the indigenous people

After ten days of violent protests, the Ecuadorian government rejects the conditions of the indigenous people

The police protect the Parque del Arbolito in Quito. Photo: Rodrigo Buendìa / AFP

Ecuador’s government minister said on Wednesday that the authorities do not accept the conditions imposed by the indigenous sector as a requirement to initiate dialogues aimed at seeking a peaceful solution to the protests that are now 10 days old.

Indigenous protests call for a reduction in fuel prices.

Indigenous leader Leónidas Iza asked the government to do so on Tuesday evening eliminate the state of emergency in six provinces -where the greatest acts of violence have been recorded-, which demilitarize and eliminate the police forces in the places where they are in the capital and which allow them to reach the El Arbolito park and the nearby Casa de la Cultura to concentrate and maintain assemblies.

“This is not the time to set more conditions, this is not the time to ask for more demands, it is time to sit down and talk, we are on the tenth day of the strike,” Minister Francisco Jiménez told the Teleamazonas television network. “And we can’t keep waiting, the capital can’t keep waiting, the country cannot wait any longer”.

Protesters march towards the Central University of Ecuador in Quito.  Photo: Carlos Villalba / AFP

Protesters march towards the Central University of Ecuador in Quito. Photo: Carlos Villalba / AFP

“We cannot lift the state of exception because it means leaving the capital unprotected … first we have to sit down to talk, talk, we have to put matters on the table,” he said.

He added that the government of President Guillermo Lasso is willing to go to a possible negotiation at any date, place, hour with designated mediators to reach a consensus.

Given the situation, the embassies of the European Union, Germany, the United States, Great Britain, Canada, France, Spain, Italy, Spain and Switzerland, in a public statement, expressed “concern. for ongoing riots in the countryabove all because they harm the fundamental rights of all citizens ”.

And they invited the parties to dialogue and the “conclusion of agreements” aimed at reconciliation, pacification and progress.

The natives of Cotopaxi serve themselves a drink before marching to Quito.  Photo: Carlos Villalba / AFP

The natives of Cotopaxi serve themselves a drink before marching to Quito. Photo: Carlos Villalba / AFP

For its part, the State Department raised the alert level for travel to Ecuador on Wednesday and warned Americans to reconsider going to that country due to unrest and violence.

Quito got up practically paralyzed, with very little traffic and much of the trade closed.

Interior Minister Patricio Carrillo said at a press conference that in the city of Puyo, in the Amazon, the greatest hostilities were recorded on Tuesday with angry crowds “who in absolutely irrational acts, with explosives, with ancient weapons and with rifle-type firearms they attacked civilians and policemen ”.

That city is located 152 kilometers southeast of the capital, where one death was recorded when one of the demonstrators handled explosives. So, there are already two dead natives.

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Source: Clarin


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