Home World News Unbalanced, he sets a church on fire because his wife hasn’t stopped making donations

Unbalanced, he sets a church on fire because his wife hasn’t stopped making donations

Unbalanced, he sets a church on fire because his wife hasn’t stopped making donations

Unbalanced, he sets a church on fire because his wife hasn't stopped making donations

The man had a fight with his wife and went to set the church on fire.

And the boy one day exploded. He was fed up with his wife donate family money in church constantly. And she couldn’t take it anymore. She took a can of fuel, went to church and set it on fire.

Y The Church of San Basilio Magno has burned downwhich is located in the village of Pargolovo, a St.Pietroburgo, Russia. Basically to its foundations.

It was the morning of June 26, when the flames quickly engulfed the roof of wood and the walls of the building.

And the whole place would probably be razed if it weren’t for the parishioners that they managed to put out the fire even before the arrival of the fire brigade.

According to local media, locals watched it all “with tears in their eyes” as the fire consumed the church as they fought hard to save it.

The church was almost devastated

The church was almost devastated

But that sadness quickly turned into anger naturally directed to the man responsible for the devastation.

Initially, it was believed that fire it was the product of a short circuit due to faulty electrical wiring, and some even believed it was a divine sign to build a bigger and more beautiful church.

However, it didn’t take long for the police to find the real culprit, a 36-year-old local man who would decide take revenge on the Church after arguing with his wife.

Apparently, the man, who has four children, had an argument with his wife, who often volunteered at church, because he continued to donate all of his money.

The man admitted his guilt in the fire

The man admitted his guilt in the fire

So on Sunday morning, he put a can of gas in the trunk of his car, went to church, sprayed the walls and, after making sure there was no one inside, he set it on fire.

“He worked 24/7, they have four children and his wife helps in the church. Everything she earned, she took to the temple, “reported the newspaper. Komsomolskaya Pravda.

“That’s why they had a conflict. And there came a time when she realized that either did something to his wife or burned the temple. And he chose the latter, ”adds the newspaper.

The man he never denied his guilt before the police. He also asked to be arrested for his crime, but the judge ruled that he had to go home until sentencing.

It will be for the lack of a criminal record or for his four children, but at least for now, the arsonist is a free man.

Source: Clarin


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