Video: Dramatic rescue from the Mediterranean Sea of ​​a 4 month old baby who floats adrift

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The images broadcast in these hours once again demonstrate the sacrifice that many people are willing to make for the possibility of having a better life in Europe. A 17-year-old Togolese boy saved a 4-month-old baby a few days ago in the Mediterranean, particularly in Italian waters. It happened on June 27 but until now the images of the tragic, another, rescue have not come to light.

The precarious boat on which a group of migrants was traveling capsized off the Libyan coast and, when the rescue team of Doctors Without Borders (MSF) arrived, many shouted and asked for help from the water.

Rescuers one by one boarded the lifeboat, but they weren’t the only ones in the water who needed help. A few meters ahead they were on a table, in the midst of several people, a few months old baby motionless on his mother’s shoulder. It was then that the young man from Togo managed to save the child’s life by putting him on his back. In total, the NGO managed to rescue 71 people, while it is estimated that there were 30 missing on the high seas.

A boat of immigrants from Togo capsized off the Libyan coast: at least 70 people could be saved.

A boat of immigrants from Togo capsized off the Libyan coast: at least 70 people could be saved.

The child was not breathing

Seeing the boy’s situation, MSF members understood from the start that if they didn’t act quickly, the result would be dramatic. They quickly brought the baby who was not breathing aboard. According to the reporter who was able to watch the moment and who captured the images, the anguish throbbed in the environment. After a few seconds of heart massage, the baby came back to life and started crying.

A team of Doctors Without Borders saves the castaways of Togo.

A team of Doctors Without Borders saves the castaways of Togo.

The same witness tells how a helicopter arrived at dawn and took the mother with her 4-month-old baby to the hospital. Both were the only ones to be rescued immediately, while the rest of the castaways had to wait 3 full days to get permission to set foot on Italian soil.

At least 3,000 saved

The current search and rescue vessel chartered by Doctors Without Borders in the Central Mediterranean, the Geo Barents, saved 3,138 people and has recovered the bodies of 10 other people who have died at sea since he began operating a year ago.

Thus, between June 2021 and May 2022, the ship sailed 11 times and carried out 47 operations. In addition, MSF teams on board carried out 6,536 medical examinations for primary health care, sexual and reproductive health and mental health.

Source: Clarin

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