Home World News Netflix premiered the worst film with Nicolas Cage: it is one of the most viewed on the platform

Netflix premiered the worst film with Nicolas Cage: it is one of the most viewed on the platform

Netflix premiered the worst film with Nicolas Cage: it is one of the most viewed on the platform

Netflix premiered the worst film with Nicolas Cage: it is one of the most viewed on the platform

Big Island 3

Shamelessly, Netflix has loaded caught in the storm (Grand Isle), which many consider the worst film starring Nicolas Cage.

We don’t say it. the numbers say. the thriller by Stefano S. Campanelli And Iver William Jallah has zero percent positive reviews Rotten tomatoessite of collection of critical articles par excellence.

None of the ten reviews hosted on the site have very good things to say about the 2019 film.

The Caught in the Storm poster.

The Caught in the Storm poster.

“Alcoholism, violence and curses in a mediocre southern thriller,” he said Brian Costello on Caught in the Storm. “There’s not a lot to invest here,” said Roger Ebert’s site reviewer. Noel Murray, of the Los Angeles Times, was tougher: “This could have been a respectable retro movie. Apparently no one told the cast. “

On Metacritic, a website similar to Rotten Tomatoes, Having a 29 percent of 100a very low number.

However, Caught in the Storm also falters, on IMDb and Filmaffinity, the two sites that receive the most popular votes from the public respectively in English and Spanish, Caught in the Storm: has averages of 4.6 out of ten Y 4.0 out of ten.

Zero percent good reviews on Rotten Tomatoes.

Zero percent good reviews on Rotten Tomatoes.

This only confirms that Caught in the Storm is one of the many films that Cage has starred in in recent years. Quietly share the podium below with titles like Willy’s Wonderland, Jiu Jitsu or losing instinctthe three abused by critics and almost without an audience.

Likewise, by Rotten Tomatoes metrics, the only three films that share zero percent positive reviews with Caught in the Storm are fatal fall Y The apocalypse.

Despite everything, there are those who consider it an acceptable title and celebrate that it is now within reach in the “N”. To each his own. And this, like its commercial failure, is also reflected in the numbers: Caught in the Storm is at home in the top 10 most viewed movies on Netflix.

The film is a thriller about a man who has to prove his innocence.

The film is a thriller about a man who has to prove his innocence.

The film tells the story of a young father who must prove his innocence when he is unjustly accused of committing a crime. Cage is accompanied Kelsey Grammer, Oliver Trevena, Zulay Henao, Kadee Strickland Y Luca Benward.

The apocalypse, with Nicolas Cage, another of the defenestrated.

The apocalypse, with Nicolas Cage, another of the defenestrated.

A zigzag race

Cage is so aware of his film failures that this year he released a film called The Weight of Talent, where he plays himself and parodies his motley career. Paradoxically, This film was well received by audiences and critics alike..

In The Weight of Talent, he shares the cast with Pedro Pascal.

In The Weight of Talent, he shares the cast with Pedro Pascal.

At a 2014 conference, Cage said, “I started acting because I wanted to be James Dean. I saw him in Rebel Without a Cause and East of Paradise. Nothing hit me like Dean. He drove me crazy. I said ‘ This is what I want to do ‘”.

Since then, Nicolas has accepted every role offered to him without worrying about their artistic quality. The most unusual phase of his filmography began to be traced from the second half of the 2000s.

In the 1990s and early 2000s, Cage was considered one of the best of his generation. They all wanted it. In ’95 he won the Oscar for Best Actor for playing an alcoholic writer in goodbye to Las Vegas and has starred in other critically and publicly recognized films such as Contra / Face, Educare Arizona, The Orchid Thief Y The legend of the lost treasure. Besides, he could also be Superman.

Nicolas Cage in Leaving Las Vegas, the film that gave him an Oscar.

Nicolas Cage in Leaving Las Vegas, the film that gave him an Oscar.

But from a certain moment his luck began to slip out of his pockets and he needed to work to pay off his debts.

According to an article on the Finance Buzz portal, Cage spent $ 150 million on rare and immovable objects, including dinosaur bones, European castles, a private jet, an octopus, a pyramid-shaped tomb, a shark and an original copy. of Action Comics 1, the first Superman comic.

Thus it was that his career began to become erratic (tending to be lousy) and overcrowded with independent and class B films. So much so that until recently he was the Hollywood actor with the most work.

His roles, almost always on borderline beings, have made him something of a new cult artist. In recent years he has had a slight rebirth that has led him to be considered for ever better projects. Of course, always with delirium as a central axis.

Your participation in Send Y Color out of space They deposited him again in the great leagues, even if from a world parallel to the one he at one point knew how to inhabit. For example, for his great work on the sordid Pig received a Best Actor nomination at the upcoming Critics Choice Awards.

His career will continue with more bizarre films and his debut in the world of series, where he will star Exotic Joeprotagonist of the famous Netflix documentary king tiger.

Source: Clarin


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