People would adopt behavioral traits from their dogs. Shutterstock photo.
The popular saying goes like this “the dogs often resembles their owners“.
On this idea, a British vet asked for more and added it people also tend to adopt some personality traits from theirs pets. That can also happen to feel attracted to some breeds with which they coincide in their character and behavior.
These ideas come from the specialist in animal behavior Pete Wedderburn and were published in The Sun newspaper.
In summary, Wedderburn states that the choice of a breed is immensely personal and that it says a lot about a person.
Here are some of his impressions which have been published in the British media.

Cockers are chosen by people who are concerned about their appearance.
labrador retriever
For Pete, owners of this lovely breed are very relaxed in their homes. “They are not proud of their own home and they don’t care about muddy footprints and dog hair in the house,” he adds.
On the other hand, this breed is characterized by its sociability and friendliness. They are usually very protective of children and enjoy playing with them.
french bulldog
According to the specialist, the choice of this breed reflects a heightened concern for the opinions of others and a marked enjoyment of “the attention these animals attract”.
To this he adds that, being a dog that requires a lot of care, “these people feel their economies affected, due to the expenses that their faithful companion requires”.

The Labrador is a very docile breed and companion of children.
“The Cocker they are the blonde or brown bombs of the pet world ”e their owners are generally people with a keen interest in appearances.
English springer spaniel
According to this specialist, those with this type of dog usually enjoy life.
German shepherd and shepherd
According to Pete, the masters of this breed they are very disciplined and strict. “You are a somewhat formal person who is consistent with the orderly background associated with this race.”
Plus, “They care about their dog’s safety and reputation.”

Pug owners should be aware of their respiratory complications Shutterstock photo.
If that’s you, following Pete’s opinion: “You’re a millennial who was persuaded to choose this charming and fun breed because of their social media stardom.”
He is also very likely to admire people with a lot of money.
For Pete, it’s about a breed chosen by people who are easily influenced by advertising and marketing.
miniature breeds
These are people’s favorite options that Pete reinforced: “You are a neat person who loves the cleanliness and easygoing nature of this adorable and portable breed.
“You are image conscious and you love the extra praise and attention your dog receives.
“You are financially healthy and have insured your pet because you know they are prone to herniated discs which can require incredibly expensive eye surgery.”
Mixed or stray dogs
The aforementioned specialist has a good impression of fans of this type of dog. For him, they are “reasonable and balanced people who appreciate their pets being healthy and happy beyond image”.
Source: Clarin