Home World News Full Moon in Capricorn July 2022: its effects on each sign

Full Moon in Capricorn July 2022: its effects on each sign

Full Moon in Capricorn July 2022: its effects on each sign

Full Moon in Capricorn July 2022: its effects on each sign

Full Moon in Capricorn July 2022: its effects on each sign. Photo: Shutterstock

IS full moon appears in the 21º 21´ degree of the sign of Capricorn on Wednesday July 13 at 15:37 in Argentina; 19:37 in Spain; 13:37 in Colombia, Peru, Ecuador, Mexico; and at 14:37 in Chile and Venezuela.

The power of the July 2022 full moon

The full moon occurs when the Sun and the Moon are diametrically opposite, the astrologers call it “opposition” and it is the aspect that indicates the culmination of a process that began with the New Moon.

Everything that has been stimulated on that Moon finds its maximum development here. During this phase there is more need for social expansion Y need for relationship.

The full moon brings a phase of expansion and development.  Photo illustration: REUTERS

The full moon brings a phase of expansion and development. Photo illustration: REUTERS

During the full moon, ours emotions are more on the surface. When the moon is full of light, it upsets souls, causes reason to lose ground and unleashes emotions; therefore, it is a very auspicious time for the creativityfor the romantic dates and reap the rewards of all that was done during the cycle.

You are more euphoric and situations arise with people who bring answers or solutions to problems. The work initiatives They have ingredients that make it easy.

But the full moon it is also famous for incite violenceaccidents and emotional crimes increase.

The body tends to be more easily altered as well headaches and migraines are typical of this phase. It is not a good idea to have surgery during this phase, the risk of bleeding is greater during all full moons.

Full moon in Capricorn

Since the Sun and the Moon are diametrically opposite, when the Sun transits the sign of Cancer the full moon It occurs Capricorn.

The virtues of Capricorn are associated self-disciplineprudence, frugality, perseverance and the hard work to crown your ambitions.

Since it is a cardinal sign it has ability to make decisionstogether with the drive to make them concrete and embody them. is an Earth sign, the cardinality added to the element is conjugated indicating the concretization of the impulse.

The full moon of July 2022 occurs in Capricorn.  Photo: Shutterstock

The full moon of July 2022 occurs in Capricorn. Photo: Shutterstock

Capricorns are endowed with a spirit of endurance and willpower admirable.

The energy of the days Capricorn acts on bone structureespecially with regard to the knees and on the limits of the body: i skin.

What we do for the knees, skin and bone structure in the two or three days of Capricorn will have a beneficial, preventive and curative effect.

Anything that means more strain on those areas of the body on Capricorn days will have more detrimental consequences than on other days.

Influence of July 2022 Full Moon: conjunction with Pluto

The full moon It occurs conjunction with Pluto which is still retrograde until 8 October, passing in this period the 28th degree of Capricorn (end of the third decan).

This hits in aspect of tension to those with sensitive points in the last degrees of the cardinal signs – Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn – and in the aspect favorable to the signs of Earth: Taurus and Virgo.

Plutocalled the planet of profound, inescapable and definitive mutations, it marks many gods transformations which can be experienced throughout existence.

This full moon occurs in conjunction with Pluto.  Photo: Shutterstock

This full moon occurs in conjunction with Pluto. Photo: Shutterstock

It is also related to the Want and the Power. Pluto strengthens and intensifies everything it touches. Those people who are experiencing this flu are going through a change processmany of them radical in some area of ​​their lives.

Pluto will be present in everything destruction process as a prelude regeneration and the changeto then take us to a higher stage.

It can be an indicator of transfers, removals or even economic benefits when its influence is received in a harmonious way, as happens with the signs of Taurus and Virgo, and to a lesser extent with Scorpio and Pisces.

For those born at the end of the third decan, the Cardinal signs –Aries, Libra, Cancer and Capricorn– the trend a change is present with a fee of effort additional.

The impact of Mars

Lunations often act as detonators of transits, which however were recently activated by the passage of Mars square to the point where Pluto is transiting.

Now Mars is in Taurus (sign of his detriment). Mars is the action planet.

This giver of energy, activity and movement, and the mythological god of war, enters the taurus signone of the signs of his exile from 6 July and will remain there until 21 August when he enters Gemini.

Taurus is the exile of Mars, the opposite sign to his domicile means that it is his the qualities are weakened. The kind Taurus Slows martial action, while his need for security dwarfs his courage.

If the best of Mars is boldness, strength and courage, it turns out that when in Taurus, those characteristics become unnoticeable because the nature of the sign that hosts the planet modification.

In this lunation, Mars is in Taurus.  Photo: Shutterstock illustration

In this lunation, Mars is in Taurus. Photo: Shutterstock illustration

The Mars enters Taurus will mean the mobilization of the planets that are passing through the fixed Signs: Uranus and Saturn.

Mars will join simultaneously with Uranus and square Saturn between July 29 and August 4.

This is one aspect of A lot of tension which will result in the end of the second decan of the Fixed Signs: Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius.

The mood can be upset, it can be there tensions, conflicts, cuts, blows and there is a tendency for accidents. Beware too, with handling machines, sharp objects and with electricity.

For other Earth signs: Capricorn Y Virginand for Pisces and Cancer, Mars sends its streams from to favorable angle may indicate a great one increased activity.

Mars from Taurus it can also imply tensionsa impulsive behavior or one aggressive attitude with its consequent resentments especially towards others.

In this sense, they will have to pay special attention to the signs of Scorpio, Acquarium, Leo Y Bullso it is advisable do not expose yourself to unnecessary risks, or make hasty decisions, avoid discussions and quarrels. If you have a dispute on your hands, proceed with caution.


lunation venus is located in Twins in exact trine with Saturn benefiting to the last decan of the air signs, Gemini, Libra and Aquariuswith a pleasant breath of peace.

These will be good days to deal with family problems as well as aspects of relation they will benefit from the resumption of an old friendship or relationship with the elderly.

Venus is in Gemini in an exact trine with Saturn.  Photo illustration: Shutterstock

Venus is in Gemini in an exact trine with Saturn. Photo illustration: Shutterstock

They may seem wise investments in pictures, decorations and old objects or watches. It will also be the right time to seek greater comfort in the home and a renewal of personal clothing.

For the natives of Sagittarius, Venus in orbit from the opposition can hinder everything related to associations, home and couple life. They must appeal to tolerance, avoid head-to-head arguments and violent breakups.

Venus from Gemini will also bring an increase daily logsfor Fish Y Virgin. During this time, relationships can go through moments of misunderstandingssocial activities can be postponed or canceled.

By Patricia Kesselman, astrologer and professor of astrology and tarot. On Instagram: @horoskopo.

Source: Clarin


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