Mario Draghi, in recovery times: How Italy got to this new political crisis

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Mario Draghi, in recovery times: How Italy got to this new political crisis

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Mario Draghi (in the center) leaves the Quirinale after meeting with President Sergio Mattarella. Photo: EFE

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“That’s enough!” It is the key word of this crisis. The outgoing premier of ItalyMario Draghi, 75 years old, when he is about to explode and so it calms down a bit.

Draghi resigned Wednesday after the populist 5 Star Movement, reduced by internal divisions, refused to vote for confidence in the government he is a member of with several ministers.

As soon as the result was known, the premier went to the Quirinale and resigned before the president Sergio Mattarella. He still said “enough!” and the president friend understood this, but to prevent the crisis from turning into chaos he refused his resignation and sent the government to Parliament, a variant that indicates the Constitution.

The resigning Prime Minister Mario Draghi.  Photo: Reuters

The resigning Prime Minister Mario Draghi. Photo: Reuters

The date of probably Mario Draghi’s last visit to the legislative buildings was indicated for Wednesday 20. According to reports, he will only make a presentation, confirming his resignation and say goodbye. Then he will go back to the Quirinale and hand over his resignation to the President.

the last statesman

It will be a sad moment that will conclude the experience of hope of February 2021, when President Mattarella asked for the collaboration of the only statesman of international level that Italy hasto the economist who, as president of the European Central Bank, had saved the euro during one of the great financial and economic disturbances that fell from the disastrous system with which the United States was transmitted the 2008 crisis.

Since then Mario Draghi has been lulled by the world of finance and considered by the European Union as the savior of the euro, the common currency.

Draghi did a great job addressing the pandemic a vaccination plan and the reorganization of hospitals.

With “superMario”, having been baptized in New York and Washington, Italy was welcomed as a safe haven. The European Union has spent more than $ 200 billion to rebuild its economy with a Recovery Plan paid for with subsidies and very low-interest loans.

Draghi’s prestige was consolidated following the Russian invasion of Ukraine and shines on G7 and the G20the two most important forums in the world for global diplomacy.

Italy it is full of problems but it adapts well to an increasingly stormy world.

The senators of the 5 Star Movement abstain from voting a motion of censure against Draghi.  Photo: EFE

The senators of the 5 Star Movement abstain from voting a motion of censure against Draghi. Photo: EFE

Electoral appetites

The coalition of right, center and left parties that coexist in the Draghi government sees the political elections to be held in June 2023 on the horizon and this amplifies problems and triggers appetites who accustom the politicians to the constant quarrels that had calmed down enter the coalition.

The political crisis was increasingly endangering Draghi’s stability for three monthsas the difficulties accumulated. To dramatize the scenarios are also the polls that reveal the ups and downs of the parties.

Dragons he is not a professional politician and it lacks the resistance of Italian politicians to get tangled up in discussions, chicanes and fights. Avoid this inevitable exercise as best you can. In addition, the rarefaction of international crises and the extent of the European Union force us to make more trips. In recent times it has begun to get noticed a certain weariness in the head of the government.

Italy faces the danger of a recession economy next year, forcing us to turn on the yellow lights in economics and finance, because the phenomenon is global. is extraordinary increase in energy prices that push the other costs. The evils are amplified. Inflation reaches 8% in Europe and upward pressures continue.

The need for a minimum wage arises in a country that has registered in 30 years a 3% decline in revenues, when in Germany and France they increased by 30%. In Italy there are already 13 million poor with six million absolute poor.

social issues they can no longer be postponed. Furthermore, climate change has worsened. Italy it suffers the worst drought of the last 70 years and the need to ration water is inevitable.

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Source: Clarin

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