World astonishment: they discover in Egypt the tomb of Wahipra Merinit, the “leader of the foreign soldiers” of 25 centuries ago

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World astonishment: they discover the tomb of Wahipra Merinit, il

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A Czech archaeological mission found a tomb dating back about 25 centuries – which was later looted – south of Cairo, coinciding with the beginning of the Persian domination of Egypt. Photo: EFE

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A Czech archaeological mission found south of Cairo a tomb of about 25 centuries, coinciding with the beginning of the Persian domination of Egypt, belonging to a military leader who held the position of “chief of foreign soldiers”, the Egyptian Ministry of Antiquities and Tourism reported Friday.

The tomb was found Abu Sir archaeological areain the south of the Giza region, near the capital and where the famous pyramids of Cheops, Chefren and Menkaureand “may belong to the final period of the 26th dynasty and the beginning of the 27th” in the sixth century BC, according to a statement by the Ministry.

The main tree of this structure has six meters deep, it measures almost 14 by 14 meters and is divided into several parts separated by bridges carved into the rock, added the note, according to which the tomb, while presenting similarities with others found nearby, has unique characteristics.

The tomb of Wahipra Merinitl, leader of the "foreign soldiers" d

The tomb of Wahipra Merinitl, leader of the “foreign soldiers” of Egypt, was allegedly demolished and sacked in the 5th century to extract the remains of that important figure of the society of the time. Photo: EFE

In its lower part, at a depth of 16 meters, the double sarcophagus belonging to Wahipra Merinitwho held the unusual post of chief of foreign soldiers, pointed to the note without giving further details on this rank.

The coffin was somewhat damaged, covered with sand and empty, as, according to preliminary studies, the cemetery where he was buried was probably looted around the fourth and fifth centuries of our era, the Czech mission chief said. Marslav Bartain the declaration.

The tomb is about 25 centuries old, coinciding with the beginning of the Persian domination of Egypt Photo: EFE

The tomb is about 25 centuries old, coinciding with the beginning of the Persian domination of Egypt Photo: EFE

The looters made a hole in one of its sides and broke the upper part, made of basalt and with the representation of the face of the deceased, to plunder it and only the figure of a scarab was found inside. with the representation of the heart of the deceased.

At the top of the sarcophagus was a fragment of the Book of the deadIn the tomb were also found some grave goods, such as an amulet to support the head and some 400 small figures representing the owner of the tomb.

Czech archaeologists have found around 400 objects belonging to the military leader who held the post of "leader of foreign soldiers".  Photo: EFE

Czech archaeologists have found around 400 objects belonging to the military leader who held the post of “leader of foreign soldiers”. Photo: EFE

The Deputy Director of the Mission, Muhammad Mujahedpointed out that this is an important discovery because it offers a new perspective of a very turbulent phase for ancient Egypt in which Persian dominion of the country.

Furthermore, he added that the remains found allow us to deduce that Wahipra Merinit died unexpectedlytherefore his tomb and funerary equipment were not complete at the time of burial.

Source: Clarin

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