ANSA – Brasil Biden’s Covid test was negative and returned to face-to-face work on 27.07.2022 at 13:15

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The president’s doctor, Kevin O’Connor, said Wednesday (27) that 79-year-old US President Joe Biden tested negative for Covid-19 after five days of isolation. Therefore, the head of the White House has returned to face-to-face work in Washington.

Noting that there were three negative tests for the North American leader, the professional said, “Biden completed five days of the antiviral Paxlovid. The Covid test was negative last night and this morning.”

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O’Connor added that Biden “will continue to wear a mask for the next 10 days while in the presence of others” as a precaution.

Shortly after the medical statement, the president appeared on the White House lawn and spoke to reporters. Thanking the doctors who cared for him, Democrat said, “Fortunately, he had mild symptoms and now I feel very good.”

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Biden tested positive for the disease on the 21st and is in isolation at the White House. From the beginning, he had mild symptoms of the disease. The representative received three doses of the available vaccines against Covid-19.

27.07.2022 13:15

source: Noticias

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