NIRCam mosaic with enlarged insert showing the Maisie galaxy. This galaxy is estimated to have existed only 300 million years after the Big Bang, near the Big Dipper. Photo: EFE
Two new images from NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope show galaxies of multiple shapes and sizes, nearer, further away, and what could be one of the most distant galaxies never observed.
Both images include objects over 13,000 million years ago and offer a much wider field of view than Webb’s first deep-field image, released on July 12, reports the Spanish Center of Astrobiology (CAB) in a statement.
These are some of the first images obtained within the CEERS project (acronym for English Scientific investigation of the early release of cosmic evolutioninvestigation with the first scientific results on cosmic evolution).

Artist’s impression of the James Webb Space Telescope. NASA photo: Beckwith
This great collaboration, using the new space telescope, studies how some of the earliest galaxies formed when the universe it was less than 5% of their current ageduring a period known as reionization. Made up of eighteen researchers from twelve institutions, the CEERS also has more than one hundred collaborators from ten other countries.
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Source: Clarin