The new sport invented by the Russians
Russian sport was decimated by the war in Ukraine as several athletes and teams in the country they were excluded from European competitions. What was the solution you found? Create a new sport, of course.
the new sport combines basketball, rugby and wrestling and is called Wrestball, a completely surreal invention where the mixture of disciplines and gives rise to a crazy game that seems to have neither head nor tail. However they seem to understand it perfectly.
Wrestball has its own YouTube channel and audiovisual production that has little or nothing to envy to professional sports broadcasts. The first images of this peculiar show They left no one indifferent.

A wrestling match, that’s how you decide who serves.
peculiar rules
To begin with, it should be noted that, unlike basketball, the service team is not chosen by jumping between two, but rather through a wrestling match between two players.
Even if the purpose is hit the ball in the basketthis seems to be the only similarity to basketball, as players do not bounce the ball and can take an infinite number of steps while holding it.
The tackles are similar to rugby, being common to see abruptly stopped matches and even demolitions when the ball is not in play. Something that is more difficult to understand is by what criteria a foul is charged,
The parties consisting of three periods of 10 minutes and in case of a tie there is an extension, as happened in the match between URF Wrestball and Skolkovo Wrestball, where we can also see that the members are not really good stylists with the ball in hand.
A sport that coincides with the news of the return of Small ballthe basketball on elastic mats that became so popular in the early 2000s and that promises to be another great fun for pseudo-basketball lovers.
Source: The avant-garde
Source: Clarin