From UOL From Smallpox of the Monkeys: Understand what has changed after the US declared a state of emergency 04/08/2022 19:14

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With more than 6,600 cases of monkeypox reported in the United States, health officials and the administration of President Joe Biden today declared the disease a public health emergency in the country. Since 23 July, WHO (World Health Organization) has addressed monkeypox as an international public health emergency. Understand what happens next and what changes with the ad.

Emergency guarantees resources monetary, buying more vaccines against the disease, hiring more healthcare workers, and providing better care for the infected. This also allows some of the bureaucratic steps to be “skipped” to make it easier to get immunizations and other possible supplies for dealing with monkeypox. In addition, it is a warning to the population about the situation of infection in the territory of North America.

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Prior to the national declaration, US states and cities had already declared a state of emergency, including New York, California, Illinois, and San Francisco.

Entities criticize Biden’s slownessWhat It has been more than three weeks since the first case of the disease declared a state of emergency.

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US media such as CNN believe the president has been slow to make statements so that the country can stock up on as many monkeypox vaccines as possible before releasing funds for new immunizations.

The United States is already vaccinating against monkeypox, however, states participating in the campaign favor the group most commonly infected with monkeypox so far. In Los Angeles, the public health website says that “gay, bisexual, and transgender men over the age of 18 who have had sex with multiple partners or strangers in the past 14 days are eligible for the vaccine.”

In Washington DC, the vaccine will start tomorrow, and the advice is the same, but that includes sex workers regardless of gender or sexual orientation, and those working in places where sexual activity takes place, such as clubs and saunas.

US President Joe Biden criticized for not acting sooner - Alex Wong/Getty Images/AFP - Alex Wong/Getty Images/AFP

US President Joe Biden criticized for not acting sooner

Image: Alex Wong/Getty Images/AFP

However, it is important to note that this is not the only group infected with monkeypox and anyone can get the disease.

Brazil still waiting for 50,000 doses of vaccine to arriveIt will arrive in August by PAHO (Pan American Health Organization). The government of São Paulo is discussing with the Ministry of Health what the target audience should be in the first place.

Health Minister Marcelo Queiroga expects the country to be able to produce the vaccine on Brazilian soil with Fiocruz (Fundação Oswaldo Cruz) and the Butantan Institute.

Monkey pox causes skin lesions - iStock - iStock

Monkeypox causes skin lesions

Image: iStock

There are already more than a thousand cases of monkeypox in Brazil and On Monday, a bulletin by the Ministry of Health recorded 1,369 cases of the disease, mostly in São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro. The dossier treats the disease as a pandemic, as with covid-19, and as an epidemic, pre-pandemic, the first stage of the evolution of transmission.

04/08/2022 19:14updated on 04/08/2022 19:19

source: Noticias

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