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Floods in Seoul: end for houses in the style of the movie “Parasite”

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Floods in Seoul: an end to the houses in the style of the film

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Image from the movie “Parasite” showing the interior of a mini house in a Seoul basement Photo: Neon via AP

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At least the floods in Seoul are already gone eleven dead, among them three people, three of whom lived in a mini house in a basement; the kind of house that became famous for being played in the Oscar-winning movie, “Parasite” (Parasite). For this reason, the authorities of the South Korean capital have now decided to ban them.

As reported this Thursday, the BBC network, the capital of South Korea, will take steps to gradually eliminate basement apartments after two women and a teenager were killed in the flood earlier this week.

The tiny apartments, which appear in the film, are generally they are rented to low-income people.

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Source: Clarin

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