Kennedy Alencar Bolsonaro and the bars coup elite gives a big no with letter and manifesto 11/08/2022 04:00

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The letter in defense of democracy and the manifesto of 107 organizations emphasizing the sovereignty of the plebiscite are of great importance, documents read at a demonstration this Thursday (11) at the Largo de São Francisco Law School (University of São Paulo). The declining environment where the election of Jair Bolsonaro (PL) threw Brazil.

The two documents send a big no-no from the political and economic elite to the current president’s coup. With few exceptions, these same elites supported the parliamentary coup that resulted in the impeachment of Dilma Rousseff (PT) in 2016, celebrated the arrest that cleared Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva from the 2018 presidential election, and supported the worst come to power. president of our time. story.

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The action on Thursday, August 11th, carries weight as it brings together businessmen, politicians, intellectuals, artists, journalists and citizens with different and different political tendencies, but with one agreement: it is necessary to change the course of the country. in recent years. A course that threatens our democracy. This is elite in a way. my fault about his recent mistakes and his descent from the bolsonarista canoe.

Today, there were two shows in Sao Paulo. The first started at 9:30 am in Salão Nobre, where the manifesto led by Fiesp (São Paulo State Industrial Federation) and endorsed by more than a dozen organizations was read. Titled “In Defense of Democracy and Justice,” this document is a counterpoint to all of Bolsonaro’s lies and attacks on Electoral Justice, and has been supported by non-governmental organisations, commercial organizations and union centres.

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In the bicentennial of independence, we reaffirm our unwavering commitment to the sovereignty of the Brazilian people, expressed by vote and exercised in accordance with the Constitution.”
fiesp manifesto

At around 11:30, the “Letter to Brazilians and Brazilians in Defense of the Democratic Rule of Law” was read, signed by almost a million and containing a growing commitment. Inspired by a 1977 document confronting the 1964 military dictatorship, this letter is poignant in its defense of electronic voting machines and Electoral Justice.

“Instead of a civil party [as eleições de 2022]”We are going through a period where there is a great danger to democratic normality, a risk to the institutions of the Republic, and a contempt for the outcome of the elections,” the statement said.

There is a quote that directly responds to Bolsonaro and his putschists:

Unsubstantiated attacks, without evidence, question the fairness of the electoral process and the hard-won democratic rule of law in Brazilian society. Threats to other forces and sectors of civil society, incitement to violence and disruption of the constitutional order are unacceptable.”
Letter to Brazilians to Defend the Democratic Rule of Law

A cheap mix of Donald Trump and the dictators of the banana republics, Bolsonaro makes it clear every day that he has no intention of accepting the election result. He already knows he’s lost. And he fears being arrested for the numerous common and responsible crimes he committed during his tenure. His coup is an attempt to evade justice, which should hold him accountable.

There is neither international nor local support for a coup in 2022, the materials needed to keep the current president’s authoritarian dream alive. The United States and the international community have sent messages that they will not accept a democratic break. Neither does the Brazilian elite want to survive a government that has destroyed the economy and public policy.

The letter and manifesto are examples of what the current generation has finally understood its mission of civilizing: to remove a threat from the Presidency of the Republic to Brazil’s existence as a free and democratic country. In short, the two documents have enough significance and weight to stop a Bolsonaro coup attempt.


08/11/2022 4:00 am

** This text does not necessarily reflect the opinion of UOL

source: Noticias

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