Historian Lilia Schwarcz says Bolsonaro wanted to be portrayed as D. Pedro

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Jair Bolsonaro carries out the fourth kidnapping of September 7 and is trying to be portrayed as a prince in the line of Dom Pedro 1. These are some of the results of the book “The Abduction of Independence – A History”. Building the legend of Sete de Setembro” by Carlos Lima Junior, Lilia M. Schwarcz and Lúcia Klück Stumpf.

In the authors’ assessment, “Brazil’s political liberation was the result of a long and contradictory process with different actors and unfolding in various parts of the country. It found its founding myth in Sete de Setembro”.

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In an interview with the column, Lilia Moritz Schwarcz draws parallels between kidnappings at other moments in history and events in 2022. Full professor of anthropology at USP and Global Scholar at Princeton University, author of the works she. Biography such as The spectacle das races (1993), The Emperor’s Beards (1998, Jabuti Book of the Year Award), The Battle of Avaí (with Lúcia Klück Stumpf and Carlos Lima Junior, 2013) and Lima Barreto: Triste Visionário (2017, Jabuti) Award) ).

The book will be released this Thursday at 7:30 p.m. at the Antunes Filho Theater in Sesc, in São Paulo. During the event, historians will present their results on images and independence in a sort of public classroom. But Lilia Schwarcz promises not to run a test.

Here are key excerpts from the interview:

What do you bring to this book, which is buried in the official date of September 7?

It brings a lot of news. The first of these is a fact that circulates in academia but does not reach civil society in general: Independence was not celebrated on September 7. In 1822, Independence was celebrated in Rio de Janeiro with the applause of Dom Pedro 1. This new legend of September 7 was gradually built up. The first mention of the date of September 7 was Dom Pedro 1º in a document dated 1827. The version gets stronger and becomes a version of the emperor’s hero.

In other words, instead of thinking of history as a nation’s holiday, it becomes the feast of the emperor’s hero.

Another novelty of the book is the internal history of images. One of them is Pedro Américo’s canvas. He also edited a book where he talked about everything when he presented this canvas before the royal family. That the canvas was inspired by the French artist, he should raise the floor to add more splendor to the situation. He said he knew Dom Pedro was on a mule, not a horse. He knew that soldiers’ clothes were not like that. And I knew Ipiranga couldn’t go there.

But he says two wonderful words: I sacrifice geography in the name of nationality. Second sentence: reality inspires but does not enslave.

What can we conclude?

Therefore, the idea is kidnapping. We actually have four major kidnappings in Independência. The first of these was the role of the emperor. Second, a kidnapping from Sao Paulo. In 1922, São Paulo reopens the Ipiranga Museum, recreating the mystery on Pedro Américo’s canvas, and goes on to say that it was no accident that independence took place in São Paulo. According to them, it took place in São Paulo due to the nature of the Paulistas who ruled the nation. So this is another hijacking.

What are the others?

Another kidnapping takes place in 1972, this time by the military dictatorship. We are on the cusp of the most difficult moment and he decides to celebrate independence intensely in the face of real kidnapping and crisis. The regime today has a busy schedule very similar to that of Jair Bolsonaro. He sponsors the movie “Independência ou Morte” and decides to bring the bodies of Dom Pedro 1º and Dona Maria Leopoldina found in Porto. In one detail: Dom Pedro’s body arrives, but it does not fit on the tombstone. necropolitics.

But more than that, the military regime usurps the party. By that time there was a historic military parade. But it was a civic party attended by schools, scouts, and even people in typical attire. From then on, the party is taken over by the military and Dom Pedro becomes a military chief who must deliver a coup d’etat.

And what is the fourth blow?

By Jair Bolsonaro. He uses Pedro América’s canvas, he uses Dom Pedro as if he were a military man. Instead of bringing the bodies, he will bring Dom Pedro’s heart held by the will in the city of Porto.

Bolsonaro turned on some kind of pulse alarm clock on September 7, 2021. He announced the coup. It has since been associated with September 7. He made a plan, a plan of this patriotic history. He is trying to be portrayed as a prince who has to oppose the Supreme Electoral Court and the Federal Supreme Court in order to restore the national sovereignty threatened by communism by his homeland and non-religious people.

He puts himself in the same position as Dom Pedro. Bolsonaro missed not only the national flag and national team jersey, but also the concepts of democracy and reversed their meaning. An even deeper hijacking. There is only one military parade at Bolsonaro’s memorial service. There is no civil party. And freedom should be our concern.

How has the official narrative buried the other truths that led us to independence?

Our history is very colonial and very masculine. We were building this myth about a peaceful, harmonious country centered around various national myths. And also about Independence. How did we turn this American anomaly of being a monarchy surrounded by republics? We achieved this only with a blow from the elite. They aimed to preserve the status quo and large property. And they wanted to preserve slavery.

However, a number of other heroes drowned. Facts about women, blacks and indigenous people, as well as other parts of Brazil. Facts that do not fit into the harmonious myth of the country. Maranhão only accepted Independence in 1825, Bahia does not celebrate the date on the same day. Recife does not accept the Southeast Pact. So this is a fictionalized story.

In the end, September 7 was the only possible date. We know that history is a process. The date of September 7 is not an event that explains all independence.


08/18/2022 05:20

source: Noticias

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