Home World News Elections in Brazil: Lula da Silva acknowledged that there was corruption in his government and vowed to fight it if he wins the election

Elections in Brazil: Lula da Silva acknowledged that there was corruption in his government and vowed to fight it if he wins the election

Elections in Brazil: Lula da Silva acknowledged that there was corruption in his government and vowed to fight it if he wins the election

Elections in Brazil: Lula da Silva acknowledged that there was corruption in his government and vowed to fight it if he wins the election

Former Brazilian president Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva acknowledged that there was corruption in his government and vowed to fight it if he wins the election. Photo: REUTERS

In a television interview on the most watched news in Brazil, Lula da Silva he acknowledged that there was corruption in his government and has promised to fight it if he wins the elections next October, while harshly criticizing Sergio Moro, the former judge in charge of the Lava Jato case for which the former president spent 580 days in prison.

«It cannot be said that there is no corruption if one confesses (…) Corruption only manifests itself when it allows itself to be investigated and governed in a republican way. Faced with any hypothesis of crime, however minor, that person will be investigated, punished or acquitted“said Lula in an interview with Jornal Nacional of the Globo channel, the most important in Brazil.

“I don’t want friends in the Public Prosecutor or the Federal Police. I find it wonderful to denounce corruption,” added Lula, who in polls on voting intentions has a advantage between ten and fifteen percentage points about Jair Bolsonaro.

In turn, Lula criticized the “rewarded complaint” used by Lava Jato’s prosecutors, the corruption case against former judge Sergio Moro who dismantled a plot of bribes and rigged contracts in the state oil company Petrobras.

“What happens is that here in Brazil people are condemned by the headlines. What was Lava Jato’s mistake? He took a delicate political path, crossed the limits of the investigation and has entered the limits of politics. And the goal was Lula, the goal was to condemn Lula, “she assured.

In this sense, the PT leader recalled him during a hearing he told Moro that he was not acting as a judgebut he acted according to a political script

The leader of the Workers’ Party, that was prevented by justice from participating in elections 2018 after being sentenced in the second degree in the Lava Jato case, he was jailed for 580 days for corruption, but the Court of Cassation canceled the trials considering there was a procedural error.

Tough against Jair Bolsonaro and promises of predictability

During the interview, Lula also harshly accused the current president, Jair Bolsonaro, who criticized for not being up to the issues of government and accused of being the “court madman”.

“Bolsonaro is a hostage of the National Congress, Bolsonaro does not even take care of the budget, who is in charge of the budget is Lira (NDR: the head of the Chamber), this has never happened, Bolsonaro seems the idiot of the court, this is a ride That is not democracy, “he said.

He also sought out the former metallurgical leader build bridges with agri-food entrepreneursan industry that supports Bolsonaro.

In this sense he defended the alliance with his old opponent, Geraldo Alckmin, who was governor of the state of Sao Paulo for the Brazilian Social Democratic Party (PSDB, center-right), and is one of the interlocutors of the Lulist Coalition with businessmen and bankers.

“Alckmin was accepted by the PT body and soul, I am 100% certain that his experience as governor of Sao Paulo will help me repair this country”, assured Lula, who said that the “three magic words” of the his government will be: “credibility, predictability and stability“.

Source: ANSA and EFE

Source: Clarin


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