Home World News Suggestive visit by Francis to the tomb of Celestino V, the first pope to resign

Suggestive visit by Francis to the tomb of Celestino V, the first pope to resign

Suggestive visit by Francis to the tomb of Celestino V, the first pope to resign

Suggestive visit by Francis to the tomb of Celestino V, the first pope to resign

Pope Francis amid rumors of resignation. Photo FILIPPO MONTEFORTE / AFP)

Among the versions of the versions on his possible resignation, Pope Francis this Sunday visited the tomb of Celestine V, the first pontiff who resigned the same year as his election, in 1294, at the age of 80.

The most recent resignation in the history of the Catholic Church is that of Benedict XVI in 2013, the first of all the popes to make this decision was Pietro Angeleri di Murrone, who took the name of Celestino V after his election in the summer of 1294.

He did so after meeting on Saturday with the cardinals, who are electors and will vote for Francisco’s successor in the next Conclave, and in the midst of Jorge Bergoglio’s eighth consistory, the first to be held in mid-August.

The pope has appointed 20 new cardinals, including one Spanish and four Latin Americans, and on Monday and Tuesday he will hold a meeting with all the cardinals of the world to reflect on the new Apostolic Constitution “Praedicate Evangelium”, which reforms the organization of the Curia, the administration of the Catholic Church.

In this appointment, those who choose the future pontiff who will succeed Francis in the future of the Vatican will also meet.

“I think (Francisco) is not in retreat, I think the word has spread around the world that he is in retreat. I never believed it, but now that I have seen him in person … ‘We have been Pope Francis for a long time. time ‘”, Archbishop Emeritus of Cartagena de Indias (Colombia), Jorge Enrique Jiménez Carvajal, told the press.

Francis went to L’Aquila this Sunday, where he was received by Cardinal Giuseppe Petrocchi; and other local authorities, and he met the people affected by the 2009 earthquake.

The visit of the Argentine Supreme Pontiff took place on an important date, 29 August 1294, when Celestino V was appointed pope with a ceremony in the presence of cardinals, nobles, King Charles II of Anjou and his son Carlos Martel, as well as a crowd of believers.

The Pope then presided over a mass in the square of the Basilica of Santa Maria in Collemaggio, where Celestino V is buried. «This man seems to fully realize what we heard in the first reading: ‘The older you are, the more humble you are .. . you will do it and you will find grace with the Lord, ‘”Francis said.

After the Eucharistic celebration, the pope recited the Angelus and opened the Holy Door, which will allow the faithful to obtain a plenary indulgence during the 728th edition of the “Celestine Pardon” on 28 and 29 August.

Finally he went to the tomb of Celestine V to remain in private for a few moments of prayer. The visit lasted about four hours and then Francis returned to the Vatican.

Source: Clarin


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