US Congressional Committee Announces Agreement to Obtain Trump’s Financial Records

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The US House of Representatives committee said on Thursday it has reached an agreement with Donald Trump and accounting firm Mazars USA to obtain some of the former president’s financial records.

“After several court victories, I am pleased that my committee has reached an agreement to obtain important financial documents that former President Trump has sought to hide from Congress for years,” said Representative Carolyn Maloney, Chair of Oversight and Modification.

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A Trump representative did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

In July, a US appeals court upheld most of a congressional subpoena seeking financial records from Trump’s accounting firm, but said some lawmakers’ requests went too far.

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The U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia unanimously ruled that the Democrat-controlled House committee could retrieve records from a term during Trump’s 2016 campaign and tenure.

In April 2019, the committee issued a subpoena for financial records as part of Maloney’s investigation into what Trump called “unprecedented conflicts of interest, self-negotiation and external financial ties.”

The court order allows the committee to obtain some records related to Trump’s hotel rentals, as well as records linked to allegations that Trump violated financial disclosure laws and may have violated the US Constitution’s “fees” clause that prevents federal officials from accepting payments. from foreign governments without congressional approval.

01/09/2022 11:45

source: Noticias

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