‘If we build walls, we’re trapped,’ Pope says of discrimination against the poor.

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Pope Francis warned of “injustices and discrimination against the poor” around the world during the ceremony today to close Italy’s 27th National Eucharist Congress.

“The injustices, the inequalities, the unequally distributed resources of the world, the abuses of the strong against the weak, the indifference to the cry of the poor, the chasms we dig every day, the marginalization, all this cannot leave us indifferent,” said Francis, the Municipal Stadium in Matera, about 400 km south of Rome. in his sermon.

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The religious asked believers to be “apostles of fraternity, justice, and peace,” because “bread is not always shared at the table of the world.”

According to Jorge Bergoglio, a “Eucharistic” Church consists of “men and women who break like bread for all who trample loneliness and poverty, hunger for compassion and mercy”.

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Then God demands an effective transformation: from indifference to compassion, from waste to sharing, from selfishness to love, from individualism to brotherhood.

During the sermon, the Argentine commented on a passage from the Gospel of St. Luke, in which Jesus presented the parable of the rich man and the poor Lazarus, which the rich man ignored. “It is painful to see that this analogy is still the story of today,” he complained.

According to him, unlike the rich, the figure of the poor, who is called by his name, “was able to keep his dignity intact, even in the state of poverty and marginalization, because he lived in a relationship with God.

According to Francis, “For the many ‘Lazarus’ who still walk with us today, there is no true Eucharistic worship without mercy.”

Finally, the Pontiff spoke about consumerism and the cult of appearance, saying that “it is the religion of possessing and caring that often dominates the scene of this world, but leaves us empty-handed in the end.”

He urged all Catholics to rediscover prayer, which freed them from the “slavery” of money, success, and individuality.

“Our eternal future depends on this present life: if we dig a cliff with our brothers now, if we dig the grave later; if we build walls for our brothers now, we will fall into the trap of loneliness and death, even later,” he concluded.

25.09.2022 11:28

source: Noticias

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