Home World News Halloween 2022: how the night of October 31 strikes every sign

Halloween 2022: how the night of October 31 strikes every sign

Halloween 2022: how the night of October 31 strikes every sign

The Halloween party is known as the “Halloween night”. Steeped in myths and superstitions, its symbolic costumes, pumpkins and candies represent the link with the afterlife.

The Irish, who celebrated the feast of Samhain every October 31 believed that that night the the spirits returned to be among us. And some with not too good intentions …

From Samhain to Halloween, the night of the witches

“The Celts believed that on this Samhain night, the the spirits of the dead returned to visit the world of mortals. They lit up great bonfire to ward off evil spirits, “explains astrologer Patricia Kesselman.

Apparently, in those days the Celts they collected food from houses for offer to their godsfor those who prepared a large hollow turnip with burning coals inside, representing the spirit they believed empowered them.

The custom was to leave food and sweets under the arcades and light candles help the souls of the dead find their way to the light and rest with the sun god.

It is that on that night of rituals, the night of Samhain, the door to the afterlife and the living and the dead had the opportunity to communicate.

Thus, all that surrounds Halloween it was intended ward off the negative, the dark and the bad; in the cold – and its consequent scarcity – which began in the northern hemisphere.

Much later, this pagan festival was Christianized as the “All Saints’ Day” (from English (“All Hallows Eve”, hence the current expression of “Halloween”).

Halloween, a holiday of the Scorpio

For Kesselman, “like many of the ancient holidays, Halloween is tied to the rhythms of nature Scorpiothe end of autumn in the Northern Hemisphere, reveals a struggle in nature between creative and destructive forces“.

It is the time when the rains wet the fallen leaves and accelerate the rot of the soil which will serve as fertilizer so that from there a new life is born.

In this sense, Scorpio it is the sign that represents the profound transformations.

“Since you are a water sign, you naturally are emotionaland, because it is Fixed, it adds qualities such as constancy, firmness and stability. His rulers, Mars and Pluto, give him a instinctive, passionate, extremist, undisciplined, combative and intense nature. They go straight to the point, with them there are no subtleties “, clarifies the astrologer.

Thus, the night of this October 31, night of Halloween 2022it will be a night of intense energiesof reflection, preparation and acceptance changes and renewals stripping us of fears and prejudices. Let’s see what’s in store for each Zodiac sign.

How Halloween affects each zodiac sign

ARIES. Impulsive (and explosive), this Halloween the Aryans will have to take the opportunity to do something that costs them a lot: step on the brake, re-evaluate the many projects they have in hand and choose only those they believe have a chance to move forward. That way they will be successful.

BULL. Lovers of good and beauty, this Halloween invites you to rethink your finances and your expenses. It is time to choose what to invest in and avoid getting carried away by the compulsiveness of buying. That will be the key to prosperity.

TWINS. By changing – and often contradictory -, Gemini will have the opportunity to clarify their ideas. Those doubts that usually dominate them will tend to clear up. The advice for this Halloween is to put aside your insecurities and choose the one you think is right for each area of ​​your life. Whatever you choose will be the best.

CANCER. This Halloween will be a night to cheer up, go out and expand your world, something the calm, familiar Cancerians have a hard time with. Get out of your shell, get out, meet people and expand.

LEO. The sign of the Sun, the kings of the zodiac, can harness the revolutionary energy of this night to look within and see what makes them truly happy. Sometimes many people around are overwhelmed and clouded over. Analyze who is good for you – and who is not so good – to regulate your relationships and environment.

VIRGIN. Dare to break down barriers and let go. This Halloween energy will allow Virginians to show themselves as they are, without limiting their emotions and abilities as they usually do. Love and let passion fly.

POUND. They are the diplomats of the zodiac, they hate disputes and quarrels. But sometimes it’s good to talk, get away from frivolity, give your opinion and, with kindness and education, defend your positions. Those who accept and respect them will accompany them in life giving them the happiness that they deserve.

SCORPIO. Emotional, passionate and intuitive, Halloween marks their season by reinforcing their intensity, charm and strength. Have fun, have fun and go ahead with whatever you have decided to do. But yes: think before you speak, sometimes they are very crude and their words hurt others.

SAGITTARIUS. Whether in love or in business, when Sagittarius finds his “ideal companion” he gives himself with absolute confidence and without limits. This Halloween suggests taking a look at who or who you are relating to and what their intentions may be. Sometimes less is more.

CAPRICORN. Halloween encourages Capricorns to break structures, to reconsider their habits and routines, and to allow themselves to be flexible in achieving fulfillment. Put aside the pessimism, prudence and prudence that characterize you and move forward more freely in life.

AQUARIUM. Bright, independent and original, Halloween invites you to go on with whatever you want. It’s time to recover old projects or come up with new ones, trust yourself and move forward with the genius that characterizes you.

FISH. The good Samaritans of the zodiac, always at the service of others, on this Halloween night Pisces will find themselves reviewing their bonds and setting limits. There is a time to think more about yourself, so you will be better prepared to help others.

Source: Clarin


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